Chilly Sharp

Gregariousness does not necessarily ‘get shit done’. There are plenty of us introverts getting all the shit done while the extroverts are chit-chattin and shit. We don’t need no stinkin Kaffeeklatsch to get our work done, pal.

I had no idea fish rescues were a thing.

I would love a Sally spin-off. I’m actually quite sad that there are only three episodes left. I think we’re at a very interesting moment in Sally’s life. Don is a pig. And lol at the fact that they couldnt find a single kid to play Bobby for 7 years straight, because I’m sure they would’ve been able to develope his

Vanessa also has good reason to hate Perez Hilton. After her nude photo scandal, he used to draw dicks and cum on photos of her.

About the only time I see this phenomenon being discussed in popular culture-albeit obliquely— is in horror movies, one of the biggest arbiters of our fears in modern times.

I loved Katya's as Baberaham Lincoln, and she was fantastic!

PTSD absolutely can afflict someone due to something witnessed or prolonged exposure to stressors. A person has to exhibit symptoms for a minimum of three months. Before the term is bantered about, a clinical diagnosis is a good idea.

I mean, yes it is garbage, but I'd rather eat PJ's than Dominoes (I think it is all that garlic butter sauce- and yes I know it is just margarine and garlic powder).

Let's make this simple for the stupid people. If you operate a business in the public sphere thereby enjoying government protections, you may NOT refuse to serve customers because of their innate characteristics, such as their sex compared to somebody else's sex. That is SEX DISCRIMINATION. However, if somebody ask

Seriously. The gloves were ugly. That doesn't diminish her character or intelligence. It just means she has bad taste in gloves.

Yes, we need to communicate. Yes, we need to be dedicated to our own pleasure and pursuit of self-knowledge. But please don't act like men have never given a woman a hard time for speaking up. Communication does not work when you are not receptive, so it is on both parties to communicate. The listener needs to create