I second that emotion. I mean, they're not using him, right?
Ian Glen...
I second that emotion. I mean, they're not using him, right?
Ian Glen...
Ok, thank you, I was trying to remember where I'd seen it before.
I wish the house had done at least one of these. I'd have loved to see Sarah Burton's interpretation of a Disney princess dress.
That having been said, i think I like the De La Renta one the best.
+1. Finest Kind.
Again, the right attitude. One bad experience does not make all women terrible harpies. You got your shit figured out.
And if you figure out how to get your groove back, please inform us. I seem to have misplaced mine, or more likely never had one.
I think you should write a book, or an article or SOMETHING.
Ladies want to date people like you, with good attitudes and a healthy outlook on life. You're awesome.
That is very thoughtful of you. I know firsthand that not knowing anyone at a wedding and also being single at a table full of couples is miserable. Being single at a table full of singles, or at least with friendly people is probably much more enjoyable.
You are just a sandwich of surprising wisdom. That is some solid advice.
If you're allowed a +1, I'd say bring a friend. Doesn't matter if it's a female or male friend, but having SOMEONE there you can talk to is a good idea.
I'm pretty sure that's EXACTLY what happened.
It seems like a lot pf people I know that become ultra-religious get sucked into it in their early/mid teens. The time at which you are most likely to be the dumbest, most gullible asshole in the face of the earth.
*Raises hand*
It's fun! I can't really remember what any of them were called, but yeah, I did that in college with friends quite a few times. I will say 70's porn really makes you feel good about your body.
I work in an office with all women, and I am a woman myself.
The cattiness, the gossiping, the backstabbing. It's just terrible. I even went to a girl's high school, and can assure you that working in an all female office is 100,000,000x worse. I think it's the fact that I am younger and most of these…
Oh If you're in NorCal, they always have Calistoga at Safeway and Raley's, and at Bevmo. Probably at total wine but I don't really shop there. Bevmo 4lyfe. They have all the waters I recommended. Also Costco sometimes has Calistoga.
Also Cost Plus always has weird drinks and probably exotic fizzy water as well.
BEST EPISODE EVER. Perfectly explains local government, and is an excellent homage to the Music Man. What more could a person want?
I'm a compulsive pelligrino drinker, but I switched to Ty Nant. And the bottle is so pretty! I also Like Mountain Valley, that comes in a cool bottle as well and is American made.
You could also purchase a Seltzer bottle if you're so inclined. They're very fun.
If by Northern California you mean "Bay Area", then I agree with you.
There are other parts of the state besides those two. Some of us are normal I swear.
Thank you so much, I enjoyed reading that. (Schiele is a favorite of mine as well.)
Additionally, you have a very pleasant and engaging writing style. I'd very much like to read your book/blog/collection of short stories if you ever find the time to write some of them down.
What was the fanciest artwork you ever installed?
Now I want to hear about all about Fine Art Installation. Any good stories?
I know this isn't Deadspin, but +1 to you.
I'm pretty sure that's what Bret Easton Ellis actually thinks a period is.