
No that is Mega Blocks and we shall not speak of them.
If you want to communicate to your child that you hate them without using words, buy them some mega blocks.

It was a bit intimidating, actually. The way it works is that people own their own cabin and meet up with the ship at the places it docks, and stay on for however long. they have to make a certain amount of income to be even be allowed to buy in. The people are like SO RICH, and I am so not. it was sort of beyond my

Ok. So, let me preface this by saying that I am not a fancy person. I am currently wearing jeans and a batman shirt.
But, I have been to many fancy restaurants. Like really fancy, for ridiculous food is my delight. I have also been to a fancy cruise ship with fancy food. (the cruise ship is called The World, I can't

I went away for the summer one year, and my roommates thought it would be a great idea to get a cat while I was away, without asking me. Apart from the fact that it violated our lease terms, I really dislike cats. So I finally got them to get rid of it, but its lovely fleas stayed.
$800 in exterminator bills later, the

It's just astonishing. I don't think I've ever seen anyone change so much for the better in a short amount of time. And he seems like a nice dude too. Every time I see him I wonder if his parents sacrificed a white ox to the gods or something.

Ok, now I can use this as a legitimate reason as to why I dislike her. I've never had one before, I've just always found her irritating.

God he just... Ugh. His face.
I just hate his stupid smug face and I want to punch it.
Someday he'll say the wrong thing to someone and get the shit beat out of him, I hope.

I really want to not like Tavi Gevinson because I am old and bitter and jealous of her youthful success, but I just can't. That tweet and others like it won't let me.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful image.

Apparently that was because of Will Ferell, and it was something he did a lot. In dress rehearsal he'd be wearing something normal and then he'd show up live with a tiny shirt or no pants or something, just to fuck with the cast. Like that sketch where it was "Casual Friday" and he shows up in a spangled g-string,

It still makes me laugh every single time.
Poor David Spade trying to keep it together, I don't think anyone could withstand hilarity of that magnitude.

This was my first thought.

I have tried a bunch of primers/setting sprays. I have really greasy skin, so my makeup tends to slide off.
I like the Urban Decay All-Nighter, but I love their De-Slick spray. I bought a sample size and I adore it. Their Eye shadow primer is also really great.
I also would recommend this Lancome primer and this foundati

I unabashedly love him. His twitter is highly amusing. I enjoy that he calls his followers "the village"
And yes I'm sure he's difficult, but we all can be at times.

Ice-T has a life philosophy I agree with.

I'm in agreement that asking "what do you need?" can be the best thing you can do for a partner. If your partner is too depressed to even get out of bed, motivation for getting help just isn't going to happen. Calling therapists for the depressed person can make a HUGE difference. I know if someone did that for me,

Same. I'm all for owning my body type and whatever, but I'd look like a sweaty stack of pancakes in this. Even if I were back down to a size 8 I think I'd still look like a hot mess.
But if you knew my love of sharks, you'd know that I want this more than anything in the world. if anyone has any suggestions for cool

Your profile picture is spectacular.
I am probably in love with you.

That was my first thought as well. I hope it's not but she's at the right age. Hopefully it's something that's more treatable, but it would explain a lot.

I'm a 32 HH. I have this one from Wacoal, but I don't do a lot of bouncing around type exercise, so I don't know if it will work for you. It works well for my yoga and Pilates though, so I really like it. The straps are really short and wide so they don't slip off, and the fabric is pretty comfy too. The one problem