
Makes sense. I am a worthless human being if I don't sleep enough. (well more worhless than usual, anyway)
I think I need to wave this study in front of my boss so I don't have to stay so fucking late after work every day.

Thanks, and thanks for not being one of those "Oh, if you just tried X, then you'll have one!" people. Much appreciated.

I really want to know if it works.
Because I've never had an orgasm and have a really low sex drive and I'd really, really like to change that.

God, you know what? I'm just gonna come out and say it. I think Kris Jenner is a massive cunt who should die of a venereal disease.
She has literally no redeeming qualities whatsoever. She's the fucking Lady Macbeth of that family. Watching her manipulate everything that goes on with those people is vomit inducing. I

Oh James Deen, you are so correct.
I was in the record store the other day and couldn't say no to the $4.00 used copy of The Sign.
Best four bucks I ever spent.

Dolly Parton is an American Treasure.

Dude, let me know when you find out, because I am the exact same way. i always find something wrong with guys/they end up being really annoying/ I actually like them and flee for the hills.
Why? I don't really know.

God why are roommates so awful?
I didn't have bedbugs, but we did have a lovely flea infestation due to the cat that my roommate decided to adopt without notifying me. I hate cats and they were prohibited under our lease. The only way I got her to get rid of the cat was by screaming that if she didn't get the cat out

Specifically Codeine Cough syrup. And having taken it, I can say with certainty that you don't need to mix it with anything, because that shit is amazing.
Only couch syrup that has ever kept me from coughing. Or moving.

Oh man then I'm glad I used them up before they congealed. Ew.
Re: Privilege guilt, I think it's nonsense and totally unprouctive. Guilt is not a helpful emotion. We are on this earth for a very short time. Enjoy the little luxuries in life. If you're anything like me you carry around a crippling mix of catholic/Irish

I heard about it this morning on the radio and I was so excited!
I hope Nevada embraces its true "live and let live" nature and lets it pass.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

This could be the bra that Fishnets is referring to: The Panache "Andorra". I have one and it does indeed make your tits look magical.

I'd say that he often is, at least on twitter.
And he's way more adorable.

Oh you'll love this. I got to stay on The World when it was docked in San Francisco and they had full sized Bulgari White Tea toiletries.
I definitely took extra.

Glad to know that's a thing. I've never dated online in my entire life, and I've been massively depressed recently and have also been possessed by the urge to make an OKCupid profile.

She probably had a ladies maid to do that shit.

It's weird to be in that situation, I always wonder how people can do it every day, as their actual job.
I was first responder to a car crash that was not nearly as bad as the one you described. I had no idea what to do except to call 911 and keep telling the people over and over that they were going to be ok. It was

Yeah, the "people snooping on your profile" business was a big turnoff for me. I still have one because most of my friends are out of state and it's easy to keep in touch with Facebook. But it's defiantly become something people exploit in creepy ways.
I also had to specifically set rules for the adults in my life: I