Wow, I actually have something in common with Kim Kardashian.
Who would have thought it would be memories of grandparents and grapefruit.
Wow, I actually have something in common with Kim Kardashian.
Who would have thought it would be memories of grandparents and grapefruit.
Just want to thank you for "cockmuncher". I will be using that frequently.
Am I the only person on earth who didn't think this was a big deal? Like at all?
I mean I'm just an average person and not a costume designer, but I'm not really getting "sexy" from this dress. It looks pretty much the same to me except for more glitter and maybe the neckline is a bit lower. It's not like she's…
Oh my god. Yes. You could not possibly be more right. He has those icy blue eyes like a Siberian husky.
If there is a god, this will happen.
Jose Caseco doesn't make sense.
His twitter is like a work of modern performance art, and we should cherish it.
You're so welcome! I thought they were all so great, I love the way she writes.
This woman needs to write a book of her trying crazy celebrity diets.
I think the best definition of the concept was on 30 Rock, when Tracy asks Frank to explain it to him "In Star Wars".
That's where I live! We're like two sides of the same coin.
Also I am extremely glad to know that there are Lebowski fans in The Europe. it warms the cockles of my heart.
I am personally a big fan of Gwyneth's "I have to get back to Europe". I hope to employ it in many future situations.
I'm still trying to work out how that would fit in to conversation in real life, even back in the day when people would have an idea of how to dance the rhumba.
(Great screenname btw.)
Oh God.
Apparently she's built a summer cottage in the Uncanny Valley and now resides there full time.
Oh god I was in DC during that one. I'm from California so I had no idea that things like that happened. There were dead bugs littering the streets, I can still hear the sickening crunch they made underfoot.
(With that and the humidity/snow I have no idea why people continue to live on the east coast.)
Well she was pretty successful and had great style, if you're into the east coast beach thing. I personally don't get all the Marilyn Monroe worship. But to each their own.
At least we can all agree on Liz Taylor. (I hope.)
seriously. Here's the Liz Taylor one:…
The Marilyn Monroe one:…
Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Sorry.
Unless I am on some type of game show where I can win a large enough sum of money to completely finance my dreams of grad school, I'm not going to eat bugs.
Maude Apatow is a philosopher for our age.
aaand that means your bra doesn't fit. Your underwire should never be gouging you. and trust me, there are sizes bigger than an H. Not easy to find, but they exist.
It depends on how often you wear them. I can usually tell when the ones I wear most often get stretched out and the elastic starts to wear out. I usually wash about every other week, more than that seems like overkill to me.
And fuck, yes they are expensive. I think I dropped at least $120 last time I went to…