
What someone said upthread was "can I make an appointment for you to see someone?"
I think this is a great idea. I wish someone had helped me this way, or would in the future.
When you're in the depths of depression, navigating the complexities of your HMO are pretty much the last thing you want to do. I mean, getting

Did you see the special Mel did on HBO a while back? Carl was of course in the audience and they asked him questions. It was lovely.

Other favorite real life comedian BFFs: Don Rickles and Bob Newhart.

I follow them. They're usually pretty funny. Bill seems to be friends with Gale Simone for some reason.

My favorite thing in the world is that Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner are real life BFFs. And that they're watching Breaking Bad together. That is just the greatest.

Glad to hear that this is an actual thing. I've always thought it was totally insane that once you got married you were expected to share a bed. Whenever I have to share a bed with anyone I get absolutely no sleep whatsoever, and I am not a nice person when I haven't had my eight hours. It seems like a separate

I cannot like this comment enough.

YES! Even the staunchest conservatives I know (including my mother) practically melt into a puddle when they meet him.

Ah yes I have seen that show.
I prefer to think that Karl Lagerfeld hangs around zoos makes strange comments to people about sloths.

Wait, so Ricky Gervais goes to the Zoo with Karl Lagerfeld?
How? Why?

Also: I loathe Ricky Gervais.

We've already been so screwed by it, a little more probably isn't going to make a dent. And I honestly have NO idea how we're supposed to pay for this arena.

Oh that's horrible. Poor sea lions.
But thank you for clarifying, I appreciate it.

I wonder what prompts them to do that?
Is some environmental factor making the sea lions go crazy, or are sea lions just not very smart in general?

I love the summer because of Pimm's.

I think you should write a screenplay about your mall-working days. It sounds like there could be a lot of great stories there. I can't think of a workplace comedy in the past 10 years that has actually been funny.

The magazine folded. I guess if you already knew what she was talking about it would make sense, but if you didn't it would be difficult to understand.

God, he looks worse than Bruce Jenner.
like Bruce Jenner if he got hit in the face with a frying pan.

Can I just say that I now feel that I must to go to Canada, especially after I hear that you have a store called "Winners". I love it.

I'd like one if these, (I think) but I am absolutely certain that I would end up giving myself horrific burns with one. I am sticking with the clamp out of fear.
I am that person. I burn myself on everything.

I have nothing to add except being in total agreement in regards to the fact that cats are absolutely filthy animals. I had to move out of what was otherwise a pretty sweet living situation because I could not stand the cat and its fur and changing the litter box and all the fucking cat litter granules all over

Don't worry Gabby Douglas, you're not the only one who has ever dropped her phone in the toilet. But mine actually got flushed down. I had it in my sweatshirt pocket, bent over to push the handle and down it went, never to be seen again.
Fucking industrial strength toilets.