
I mean doesn't everyone want that, not just millennials?

I didn't know that an "Intellectual Cage Match" was a thing.
Wouldn't that just be a battle of wits?

Jesus. Glad to see the kid paid for it with BURNING SHAME LIKE A THOUSAND WHITE HOT SUNS. That's what's wrong with the american kids, they can't be shamed anymore. Shame keeps people in line.

I was an assistant in a classroom for a while and I had to resist the very strong urge to fling the students about the halls. Though it would have been very satisfying.

The cultural differences between the U.S. and Japan are fascinating to me, and this is no exception. Tell us more stories!

Exactly. I mean I guess Iron man has missiles on his suit and all, but isn't the point of a cage match that it's two dudes fighting without weapons, and since they're in a cage they can't get access to them? Tony stark without his suit would lose, most definitely.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, I will have to respectfully disagree.
I do not want to live in a reality where Bruce Wayne would lose a cagematch against Tony stark.

a.) This is a weak-ass Tweet Beat
b.) Cher's twitter has really made me dislike Cher.

I have never understood this, especially with shoes. I see so many people on red carpets with these loaner shoes that do not fit at all. If I were a rich celebrity who had to walk everywhere in heels, I'd get custom shoes that fit my feet perfectly and looked awesome.

This is my Favorite comment thread ever.

Jose Canseco is the philosopher of our time.

Can I just ask, when did the "thigh gap" start becoming a thing? I remember hearing someone say that like, this year. But now it seems like a huge deal.

This is just delightful, and exactly what I needed. Thank you!

Have you tried Kut from the Kloth? They sell them at Nordstrom.
higher rise than the usual jean but not so high that you feel like an old lady, and not super expensive. I am a huge fan.

Re: Trump headsuit

I was born in the US.. and I don't have access to affordable health insurance.
I don't really understand what the point of this article is.

I'd probably let someone shoot me for $4.2 million, if i knew I'd live.

Yeah, I read the headline and thought "Oh, the irony".

And it's good to keep in mind that she was BORN on that other planet. There's not really a way to be "normal" if you've never experienced what the rest of the world considers normal.

Fancy sandals. Seriously, Fancy sandals are great. I love these Michael Kors ones:…
My uniform in the summer is fancy sandals, maxi dress and a cardigan. You're ready for anything.