
It seems like he lives in some kind of Australian wilderness. He's always talking about going on hikes in the desert and shit.
But to be honest, most of Australia is a wilderness.

We absolutely cannot underestimate his stupidity.
I fucking love his twitter so much.

see: Alizé

May I reccomend: Carpano Antica Sweet Vermouth.
Best ever.
(Dolin is nice too.)


I want to be friends with you in real life. you are amazing.
I generally hate Malibu, (don't like coconut and not enough alcohol content), but when there was literally nothing else to drink, we once invented the Malibu and Dr.Pepper.
It's surprisingly really delicious.

My college roommate and I would watch this show together and make fun of her. It was a highlight of our day.

Oh no they absolutely don't. but we should applaud the people who are working to change the system from inside. That's how shit gets accomplished. I'm sure there are many people in the organization that are dedicated to changing it, and though this is not as big a step as total acceptance of queer people in all

in college, I lived in a house with four fraternity bros. I was the only girl.
We were usually clean, but cleaning up the aftermath of giant parties will make you believe strongly in harsh chemicals. Drunk people will do disgusting things to your house.
I mourn the fact that you can't buy TSP at the hardware store

Where can I buy this?
I like it, it looks industrial and dangerous, like it might give you a chemical burn. Just how I like my cleaning products.

At least Dr Drew is relatively easy on the eyes.
Apart from that, I agree.

Yes or pretty much anything with Dennis, especially recently.

Oh god there was. I had completely forgotten.
You'd have thought it was a sign of the End Times, but somehow the earth is still spinning.

Glad to know other people's mothers are as insane as mine is.

I had a shirt like this with sailboats or something on it.
Why was this a thing? Why did my mother foist this upon me?

This picture is my Everything.


All fine selections.
I'll add Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games. As well as Mac is a Serial Killer. because getting a confession out of someone is like a delicate dance with a chainsaw.

"By the way, I thought the rape scene went really well."

Never mind, not paying the troll toll on this one.