
Oh man I hope it didn't sound like I'm trying to put down ethnic foods.
I'm not trying to make a judgement about foreign food at all. I do appreciate the influx of quality foreign foods that have become available in white-bread america as of late. being able to get a great bowl of ramen late at night is awesome.

I agree

What does that even mean?
Either it's ok to appropriate religious symbols for the sake of art, or it isn't. You can feel free to agree or disagree, but being selective about which particular religions are ok to appropriate or "make fun of" is ridiculous.

In-N-Out 4Lyfe
Not even Anthony Bourdain can resist the siren song of deliciousness.

Yes Maude, It does.

And Unicorns!

I wish. Fucking hipsters and their buzzwords.

God I am so fucking tired of hearing about cupcakes. And food trends in general.
I mean I love food but fuck, people.
I've gotten tired enough of the overly trendy, overwrought, thousand ingredient multi ethnic streetfood fusion bullshit that has become popular in the past few years. Seriously, if I have to hear anyone

Fuck it. They are selling them at costco right now for a pretty nice price, I think I will get one. I have 300 bucks.

Oh man this sounds like my job. I have to help run a convention for 500 people every year, which includes a dinner dance. Nightmare of my life.


Yes, it really is bizarre.
And also a big hit among pedophiles.

YES! That was totally a thing.
I still resent my mother for never letting me take ramen noodles to school. She never let me have Dunkaroos either.

I've always wanted to use one. I don't really care if it is aerobically effective, it just seems like fun. My job is incredibly boring.

I have a head for obscure pop culture references and not much else.

I passed out in the bathtub one time after my family's Christmas party. My parents almost kicked the door down because they though I drowned. I have literally no memory of this happening, or of most of the party really. apparently I also tried to kiss my roommate. He thought it was amusing.
Also in college I passed

Great minds thing alike. The hangover shower is a must. Also the complaining to your roommate, which I miss terribly since I now live alone.
Sometimes when I get too drunk, I will sit in the shower for a loooong time, just letting the water wash over me. Seems to calm the nausea for some reason.

Thank you for that.

As I have explained many times to my extrovert friends:
Extroverts gain energy from being around people and in social situations
Introverts lose energy in social situations.
So much of life is geared toward extroverts, it's hard not liking the cool things that everyone else likes. When you say "Like all the cool kids are

No way. I have to see this.

OH MY GOD that is infuriating why did I read this?