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If you haven't seen the boondocks episode where they summarize all of his movies, SEE IT NOW:

oh god I laughed so hard I almost choked on my lunch.

as a lapsed catholic, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for change.

or maybe try this

Did we not learn from The I.T. Crowd that "electric sex pants" do more harm than good?

I find your ideas interesting and would like to subscribe to your newsletter

It depends on where you live. Liquor licenses are really specific and vary greatly from state to state, and even from city to city.

This is an interesting point.

Can we stop calling people with kids or who want to have kids "breeders"?

I don't know if this link will work, but here is is in all its glory:

You guys need to step the tweet beat game up.

You should head on over to the AV Club. There are loads more of us.

Have you tried a weave? It might be a way to go.

We can only hope.

This is utterly bizarre.

Ok. but "being a realist" is usually something depressed people say when they're trying to convince others of their myopic, negative viewpoint. I know I can't help someone who doesn't want help, and you seem like you don't want any. Believe me, I know where you're coming from. People suck, and it sure seems like

Could it be that you're horrifically depressed? Judging from your recent comments here, I'd say you are. I've had clinical depression since I was very young, and you are suffering terribly right now.

Apart from the formatting issue, which I am sure will be resolved shortly, I'm really enjoying this feature. Ms Benincasa gives really well written advice that you can tell she means, and that comes from a place of understanding. I have been really dissapointed by the lazy quality of the gawker media articles

Too bad that candidia overgrowth is some natural medicine horseshit that's not recognized by the actual medical community.

Ask around to families you know with grown up kids. You might be able to get a hand me down one. I know I'd loan my Samantha to any kid, as long as they took good care of her.