
oh my god I am so glad I am not alone in that. there is somethign about them that just gets the tears going.

the neon seems to be the new standard with most workout clothes nowadays. I'm not a fan either.

There are Lululemon blogs?

I don't know who Stoya is, but I'm on board with that sentiment.

Yeah they tell you that when you get the shot. Or at least it was made clear to me, and I'm pretty sure they were required to state that on the commercial for the vaccine.

It's absolutely worth it, no doubt. but yeah I got one and was like, "I don't want to get cancer but do I really have to get two more of these?"

Sure, it was relatively new in 2008. But we're not talking about 2008.

I thought your analogy was specious. Comparing this vaccine to Thalidomide, is a ridiculous argument. Gardasil has been on the market since 2006, and in development for much longer. It's not really the newest or latest anything.


When I got it (when it first came out) that was certainly not the case, but it's good to know that they seem to be giving it to everyone now.

Thanks! It's always nice when people provide relevant and informative articles.

Yeah because thalidomide is the same thing as a vaccine, OH WAIT.

I seriously don't understand these anti-vaccine people. How much evidence can we shove at you before you believe this science?

Are we seriously still talking about this? Really?

Because if you criticize her you'll wait up in a bathtub full of ice with your kidneys missing.

Yeah and on top of that, Khloe seems to be the least detestable one of the group.

I mean there's a lot bad you could say about the guy, but he doesn't seem completely mean spirited and bitter or anything.

yes. I know people hate change in general, but if it made the site user friendly I'd understand. But I haven't even been back to jalopnik since it switched over. And I fucking love reading deadspin but the redesign is just so ugly I don't even want to look at it, much less figure out how to use it.

since when has gawker media ever realized that their site re-designs are unnecessary and confusing?

Just be glad you don't have to know because her shiftless family has been trying to sell your city's basketball team. Not that we're bitter or anything.