
Can’t wait for someone to say “we aren’t putting in any fucking ship lap.  Take that Rural Pinterest shit elsewhere.”

Remember the days when HGTV had shows that actually *instructed* you on how to renovate, garden, design, and buy?  Pepperidge Farms remembers. 

How do they intend to get any usable footage out of this? The homeowners will be too tired and frustrated to worry about things like camera lighting and whether or not their faces are too close to the camera.

Yeah, this concept blows for a separate reason as well: are people stuck at home and not earning going to want to watch people spending money making their homes more better?

I’m down for this would would actually consider watching HGTV again. I gave up on it years ago. Most everything on that network is unattainable for the average American, especially now with unemployment skyrocketing. I’m sick of seeing huge remodeling budgets. I can’t relate, andI don’t find it relaxing to watch

This is Nailed It! only with electricity, plumbing, and (if we’re lucky) structural walls.

Two things to help you wrap your head around it:

That’s me!!! (I believe he WAS the father.)

The fact that every last one of the pricks who are lining up to shit all over Yovanovitch and the other State Department witnesses here, most of whom have served tours in some very difficult, very dangerous places, were bleating endlessly about Benghazi and feigning outrage at the deaths of State Department personnel

This process is exhausting. The President is clearly a criminal. Republicans have nothing but bad faith arguments and nobody is going to change their minds because conservatives care more about winning than being right. Fuck this world that I find myself in.

A friend of mine lived in OJ’s neighborhood, and a group of people would stand on the sidewalk and quietly chant “murderer murderer” over and over. Not loud enough or big enough to disturb the neighbors, but just to let OJ know he’s a piece of shit. I hope everyone who finds themselves within 20 feet of Kavanaugh just

You don’t have to be sober to give speeches. Have you ever been to a wedding where the toasts go a little off the rails?

I like beer. I like beer. I like beer.

Yep. Like or hate Hillary Clinton; she would have been able to appoint the Supreme Court Justices and federal judges. Instead we get a right wing supreme court and federal courts packed with right wingers for a fucking generation. Because people were too pure to vote for Clinton.

This is why voting matters. I don’t care who gets the nomination people better fucking vote. 

Oh, get the fuck out of here, Kirstjen. You are and were complicit in the illegal and brutal treatment of children and you should not have a moment of peace for the rest of your life. Fuck you, you disingenuous asshole.

It is kind of hard to imagine what was “a bridge too far” after she’d already authorized toddlers being ripped out of their parents’ arms.

For the title of her memoir, I suggest “Hitler Barbie has No Regrets”.

She was willing and culpable for Trump’s ethnic cleansing efforts, just not willing to go “far enough”. That sort of cynical evil must haunt her for the rest of her days.

You guys are so judgy. She only rounded up families looking for a better life, separated them with no thought to ever reuniting them and kept children in concentration camps. She was just following orders.