
I’ve seen the trailer maybe 10 times and gun to my head I can’t tell you what it’s about other than CAST!: The Movie

A context-free TV spot is the quintessential “the studio knows it has a turkey it cannot salvage even in a 15-second commercial” move.

The advertising makes it look like the kind of movie that people in movies would watch, very broad and big and dumb so that the audience knows “Oh, the characters in THIS movie are watching a worse movie.” Amsterdam looks like what George Clooney and Frances McDormand would go see on their second date in Burn After

Some of the names aren’t even that intriguing. Of the names that flash on screen in the commercial I remember, a handful could probably have been left out because it’s not like they’re the marquee names people are flocking to see: Andrea Reisborough, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Taylor Swift all come to mind (and yes, I know

From my understanding, it isn’t really about much of anything. Just like the rest of his movies.

This. There was not NEARLY enough pre-release advertising, and then suddenly, too much, and it’s too much of nothing, just names, names, names, which is intriguing but we still need a STORY.

Fualaau is only a few years older than me, and I remember seeing his wedding to his abuser covered on Entertainment Tonight when I was in high school. ET did the whole, here's MK choosing her dress, here's the happy couple. It was horrible and bizarre. I was appalled even then that anyone thought that was reasonable,

Exactly this. We really treated (and in some cases still treat) the rape and abuse of young boys from adult women as if it’s no big deal, because hey boys are super horny. I feel really bad for Vili, he was young when she started grooming him, and as an adult she was basically telling them that they were basically

That’s the thing most people don’t get about fantasy—fantasies may be a way to enjoy and process our desires, but it does not make them okay to play out in the real world.

Oh yeah; that shit was crazy. It really jump started a needed conversation about, among other things, how the patriarchy hurts men too when it comes to defining male sexuality. It was so incomprehensible that a male child could be preyed upon by an adult female that he was automatically “promoted” to manhood—hot for

It’s also a function of how misogyny also imposes harmful standards on men as well as women. The entire point of trying to create some arbitrary code of honor defining “masculinity” is as much to say what femininity is not, as it is to say what masculinity is.

The author John Irving was raped by a teacher when he was around 13. I read an interview he gave a few years back and he talked about how much it fucked him up. Worth a read if you can find it.

You know what’s weird? When this all came out, you didn’t see a Thin Chalk Line of teachers standing behind her. I wonder if that’s because you can belong to a union and support your fellow union members and still be horrified when someone within your ranks commits a crime. So weird. 

How crazy to think he’s only in his 30's today...he’s basically the same as she was when they met.

I thought the conversation had changed but every other headline I saw about this, including CNN, used words like “affair” and “relationship” instead of rape. Sickening and so disappointing.

I went to grad school with a woman who did a similar thing with her husband’s nephew, who was only 13 at the time. The son they had was my son’s age and we couldn’t figure out why the guy was in a football league for guys 21 and under. In an email, she eventually admitted how old he was and what happened. I forwarded

An headline done right. 24 years later and some news outlets are still going with “affair” or “relationship”. My heart goes out to her children. Grief is hard enough without the burden of a fucked up legacy handed down by a parent. 

This whole case was train-wreck TV at it finest back then, and I can’t believe the access they both gave the media when it came out. They did interviews together, they talked about how in love they’s unbelievable.

He was absolutely convinced (brainwashed) that he was in love with her, and the story was

Ugh this is why representation is so bad in Hollywood. I can’t imagine what Michael Bay and his producers are like given some of the content of Transformers movies 

She’s like, “Well, you know, the character, as written, she’s been to university and is educated.”