
She was Nancy, the scheming new maid trying to usurp Ingrid Bergman’s mistress—and nail psycho master-of-the-house Charles Boyer.

Now playing

Now, now—marketing like this can work. 🙃🙃

Agreed—the trailer refused to tell what this was about. (Babylon’s trailer is similarly way-too-much-of-way-too-much, but you at least get a sense of the period and basic idea.) Amsterdam’s spot comes off like contemporary actors playing antic noir farce dress-up, and gives us no reason to care.

God, she was wonderful. Her Salome in DOTN is a master class in acting drunk—as well as consistently hilarious. (I think she sets the record for mispronouncing Poirot’s name the most times in a Christie movie.) And her awful socialite mom in Henry Orient gave that movie surprisingly serious emotional stakes.

Yeah, TTAC is a real mess. Thandiwe Newton is perfect, but Mark Wahlberg?!!? And you get the feeling Demme was more interested in showing how different ‘00s Paris was from the ‘60s than the story.

Just the fact he has Roy Ayres on his list certifies his cool status—as if there were any frickin’ doubt whatsoever.

She has a deal with Jamie Foxx to exec produce a TV crime series. :)

Given how awful that movie was, Newton dodged a bullet. :P

What’s even more amazing is that Pascal’s father was a RAND economic researcher who wrote about African-American social inequality. And she got her degree in international relations at UCLA (*snort*). Sounds like typical “bratty pre-Karen yuppie rebelling big-time against hippie parents action.”

Yeah, she’s wasting the cops’ time and taxpayer money.

Potato salad with Miracle Whip and/or raisins, most likely. No way in hell..:P

If I were an editor for a deep-pockets publisher, I’d offer her Witness Protection and a galaxy full of money to write an autobiography/book.

Hell, Akiva Goldsman should have been exiled to Ultima Thule after any number of cinema sins, but...😬😬

This as the groundwork for human trafficking would not surprise me at all. Trump most likely regards his old pal Epstein as a great financial model as well as a “party” one.

Regan is the definition of vile. The OJ crap alone should have tanked her ghastly career. 

Have always wondered how many people outside the wedding family go back to look/snark on bridal photos...?

Same here!!

Because they are usually high school bitches who never grew up--or targets of high school bitches with Stockholm Syndrome.

Yeesh. Did he ever not look sleazy?

That’s at least three eps. worth of scripts right there.