
Hee. John Stamos(of all people) played the villain in the SVU one. :)

Yeah, one suspects their product being crappy finally caught up with them, as well. My cousin said a good fifteen years ago that Victoria’s Secret was the worst underwear she ever had--fell apart after one wash, and looked cheesy before that.

Yeesh. A classic case of blockheaded “eating its own tail” sounds-business-school-profound crap. I was under the apparently deluded impression that the more folks you market to, the more money you make.

Amen. Williams was flat-out brilliant.

Ugh—yeah, that’s a major red flag. Who’s got time for micromanaging bullshit and treating a manager like a snowflake when women’s rights are under attack?

To bait-and-switch people who would have dismissed this as yet-another-typical-Bond installment.

One of my favorite movies. Been following its writer John Logan’s career closely ever since.

I was actively angry about how awful she was. Flat-as-death line readings...and she didn’t even try to have fun with the role. Even Uma Thurman in THE AVENGERS had more flair, and she was straight-up lousy.

Caplan, maybe. And Lara Pulver was no slouch. :)

Seriously?!?!? Yeesh...

And Hayley Atwell or Gemma Arterton as Adler, a mysterious amateur archeologist digging ‘round irate citizens’ gardens...

Ignoring evidence and basing your entire case on forced confessions is not “overzealousness”—it’s straight-up racist malevolence. There is no difference between them and Trump, moral-wise.


My brother’s girlfriend pulls insane long hours as a realtor—arguably as much as my brother does with his tech job. Both like to do the takeout thing. Whenever he drops by here and doesn’t stop for dinner, my mother invariably makes some infuriating comment when he’s gone about why he should eat with us, because his

Empire should have been a one-season, limited-run series, period. To keep going, it had to get crazy-complicated and over-the-top, which makes it a chore to follow.

God, do _not_ get me started. It is lovely schadenfreude that the truly talented folks on there went on to bigger and better things.

Yeah, that “Morgan Freeman is the only black actor worthy to be in my movies” shit is uncomfortably reminicent of Woody Allen’s all-white New York flicks.

“The Prestige” was one of the most passionless movies about obsession ever. Nolan is frustrating as hell because his desperation to stay a hundred twists ahead of the audience all the damn time often overwhelms his storytelling skills.

Ehehehe. Always thought it (and Nolan in general) was way overrated. I’d rather play Inception than watch it.