
God, _yes_. 

He played a particularly nasty piece of work in a Brit TVM a while back. Came as a shock to me because I only knew him as the Doctor at that point.

Ugh—that’s one thing I hate about Peak TV. Taking a perfectly good limited-series premise and unnecessarily stretching it out with increasingly-unbelievable convolutions has spiked any number of potentially-good projects.

Sounds like Fosse was too insecure and jealous to work with any of his peers. 

One of the great things about F/V was its study of misogyny and its ongoing, subtly-corrosive damage. No matter how much Fosse loved his daughter, she was ultimately just another woman to use. I was wondering if Nicole also suffered fallout from her dad’s drinking and drugging. Sorry to see that she did. :(

Ehehehe. Never saw Dream House, did you? None of his oh-so-concerned ‘burban neighbors want to tip off long-suffering Daniel Craig that protecting his wife and kids is futile...cause they’re already dead.

Hell, that was the only thing that got me through the last Predator. :p

Projection, projection, projection. How could racists feel good about themselves if they can’t see black girls as hos?

Broadway directors weren’t, either. A fair amount of them got their careers in film based on their stage work in the talkie era.

Um, they helped each other hit the heights. He would not have had a directing career without her. And given that he made his name as a director, it’s hardly a thankless gig. What’s the matter—are you mad the boy genius didn’t do it all on his own? Talk about missing the point here...

Come on. Ann didn’t want to do it—it was all about his compulsion (as usual.) Plus, he. Just. Had. Heart. Surgery.

Nah. From life observation and reading a lot of biographies. And from a common sense observation that what good is success if it lets your demons rule your life. How can you truly enjoy the stuff, the money, the sex, etc., when down deep you don’t feel you deserve it? And like any other addiction, you can only self

“...really struck me this episode how sad Bob’s life was.” Whenever I envy folks who have such huge success, I remind myself of my therapist’s wise words, “Yeah, but their lives are usually shit.” And that’s because success will never compensate for having interests/curiosity/realizing there is more to life than more.

Agreed--the timeline is more annoying than innovative.

Ugh--that was ghastly. Are we supposed to assume that  was the beginning of the end for Ann?  

Hee—the Da Vinci Code syndrome. Folks who don’t normally read or who hate books are responsible for a lot of blockbusters. 

Hmmm, t’were me making dat cash flow, I would certainly keep that as an option. 😎🤪🤣

She made BSDM mainstream for “soccer moms.” Period.

Hey, excuse you. Collins knows her turf and gives up lotsa good Hollywood dirt. Before there were blind item websites, there was Jackie Collins. 😉😎

Has anyone given Trout a gazillion-dollar book contract? She’s the one who deserves it. 😎