
_Thank_ you. Too many folks had their hopes unrealistically high with this series. 

Not sure that was a healthy meal-deal for them, though...

Honestly, why did anyone automatically assume D&D would be able to end this just like/as well as Martin? I’m truly baffled, especially when it comes to other writers complaining about the quality difference. The reason why Martin is so great at upending storytelling expectations is because he needs a lot of time to

She’s a nitwit, and they come in all generations. 😈

Yeah, his demons had pretty much consumed his talent by then.

Heh. FOSSE (the bio) observes that Star 80 was essentially a career-killer for Fosse because he was incapable of visualizing this material from Statten’s POV, which was the only way to do it without it being brutally exploitive. In short, the story was horrible enough without it sympathizing with Snider. Without the

Visuals and actors are terrific. The plotting...yeeps.

Yeah, I don’t recall seeing them exchange parenting tips much. Thanks!

I’m confused—why did Joan tell Gwen to watch over Nicole? Did something happen in her life to spark this, or...?

Heh. This show likes to slide commentary like that around the edges.

“And of course, Bob isn’t happy, because he’s never fixed what’s wrong in the first place.”

We know by the way she says it that Bob has knowledge of her son, and either forgot or is cruelly pointing it out.”

This is something I never get with these Republitrixes. Why are they screwing with their idea of the natural order by having jobs at all? Shouldn’t hubby be the sole Provider-And-Head-Of-The-Household?

I always loved the calculating look Barba would get around 10:50 as he was thinking his way around yet another legal obstacle. :)

She doesn’t care what her daughter is thinking—or really wants. Loughlin and husband did this to fulfill their dreams of academic status. Kinda the Hollywood parent syndrome in reverse—or sideways. Or something. :) The rampant narcissism is the same, however.

Exactly how many of these influencers are the real deal? How many of them have anything going for them except parental celebrity or average-at-best looks? I would bet a good part of the outcry against this twit is the logical culmination of years of Kardashians/Hadids/Kardashian- or Hadid-types making googobs of money

The YT comments alone are priceless. :)

Yeah, boy. The Beach Boys’ patriarch/manager was so jealous and abusive towards his way-more-talented son Brian (among other reasons) that he sold the rights to the BB’s songs right out from under the band. IIRC, they don’t get dime one for commercial uses.

God forbid Delta do something useful--like make their flights comfortable.

Taking a trip is a lot of frickin’ work--especially when you factor in the no-sleep/all-work weeks leading up to it.  I care less if I’m Vogue-ready--I’m lucky to be going away at all.