
So sick of hearing black parents boast about that shit. Like abuse is a brand of honor. One of the reasons I’m not a Tyler Perry fan is because Madea either pulls that mess or threatens to do so.

Agreed. If the overwork doesn’t wear you out, the stress will. This guy needs a major reality check across the head.

Eheheh.  One of my favorite Fin/Munch takes came courtesy of James Wolcott, who derisively noted that they read their lines as if they have a grudge against the scripts. But that is what makes their performances so much fun. :)

Got-damn, I _hate_ that “you do it so much better” line. Insulting, condescending, and manipulative--a triple threat of suck.

“...conflicting career schedules and Perry not feeling ready to have children led to the end of their marriage.”

Indeed. But they know their audience has no real bestselling standard to judge that by. 😉😉

Gah, that tinsel kicks up some major unpleasant flashbacks. A sure vacuum-cleaner clogger, for starters...:P

I hope they are fifty times more miserable than all the people they’ve hurt.

Does anyone in a Hollywood power position just. Want. To. Do. The. Damn. Work? So sick of this shit.

Goddamn right.

Gah. It gave me too many pop-necrophilia SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW vapidity vibes to be much fun.’s not, Blanche. It’s not.

I stand corrected. I thought he headed the whole meghillah. Something must be saving his hash, for the Kelly/Lauer messes alone should have sunk him. 🤮

You’re welcome!

The net’s ratings are solid, and the fall has produced a couple of hits. Beyond that, well...

The thing is, the second Mrs. DeWinter only thinks she’s not pretty. She’s an unreliable narrator about herself because her self-esteem is so low...and because she’s been incalculated with Brit classist standards of beauty. One of the reasons why “Rebecca” has such resonance is because it nails how many women never

Yeesh, Rivers was way scarier than Rochester. He was essentially a younger Brocklehurst—a religious fanatic who did more good, but still crushed everyone around him.

Ya, Dragonwyck is terrific—movie and book. I take issue with the fact the herione is punished for wanting a better life than to be a downtrodden farmer’s wife with a hundred kids, however.

Now, Maxim at least realized how he screwed up. As formidable as Rebecca was, he also got nailed by his own pride and aristocratic standards. (which he admits.) He was so worried about disgracing his family name, he stayed married to “beauty, brains, breeding” who proceeded to make his life a predictable hell.

Hee. The 1999 Hill House is mostly godawful, but the opening scene in which Eleanor’s family wants to sell her home out from under her in exchange for her tending their horrible brat is positively bone-chilling. Went through something like this myself, and that scene is almost scarier than anything else in the flick.