
Ten months, maybe. :)

Man, that’s a shame. He was a perfect young Ford in AGE OF ADALINE.

“Charade was considered the best movie Alfred Hitchcock never made.”

My local public TV station WNJT constantly runs this short puff piece on the NYCB in between shows. Even from that, one gets major cult “give your kids to us, and they’ll be ours forever” vibes—and that’s before Peter Martins shows up to be praised to the skies. Past time they yanked this, no?

And he’s got major “can’t live up to famous father” simmering resentment.

Fascinating fact: the house was built in a Vermont park, then torn down afterwards. It was designed to look charming in sunlight, but when shadows hit it...😈.

Ehehehe. My mom recently saw WLB for the first time. Just after the reveal, she sat in stunned silence, then observed she didn’t like seeing Ford play parts like that. I thought he made a dandy villain. 😈

I can. Ephron’s movies are problematic at best;  house porn/best-get suitably-married at worst.

One can argue she peaked with “Mean Girls.” ;)

Yeah, he’s too entitled-stupid to learn anything from this. Life is all sbout his wants, and he’s been indulged so often, he’s too spoiled to learn any other way.

Yeah, if ever a movie needed a rewrite or five...

And he was all wrong for the part, to cap things off. :P

That moment broke me, as well. I’d lost the first two of my grandparents by then, and that really hit me hard.

Turner pretty much _was_ the movie. The ending was particularly 80s-Reagan famblee awful.

You sorely mispelled “gyros chips.” ;)  The beef flavor in those was amazing.

And don’t get me started on that ridiculous ending. Come on, Evil Stepmom controlls Headless through skull, but no one thinks to smack her and take it when they are within striking distance?

Ya, CP’s twist was way too predictable, especially if you’re a New Gothic (i.e. a Sarah Phillips or Susan Hill) fan. As for the house, it was a nice running joke that it was so ridiculously unliveable that the Sharpes were pretty much spectres haunting it anyway. 

Eheheh. I see what you did there, Dr. Carmody. ;)