
if someone put up notes in my office saying “someone keeps swiping all the nut, fruit, and cheese snack packs and clearly hoarding them at home because half of them are gone the day after grocery delivery,” i would feel targeted.

Exactly and I’m guessing the sympathizing principal has rapey history of his own cause it makes no fuckin sense to suspend this young girl because a student confessed to being THE RAPIST!

several students have come forward, nothing has happened, this was her solution.  What else do you do when your institution fails to protect you?  and if she had named him on the notes, she would be facing all kinds of problems.  

It’s such a weird response. “I’m obviously the RAPIST being referred to in the notes and it makes me scared for my safety because I’m a RAPIST and people don’t like us RAPIST’s and would like to hurt me, a RAPIST, just because I raped someone.”

Not only do I think what she did was warranted, since the school is dangerous if they dont deal with sexual assault allegations. 

Yeah, there’s literally no reason to do this unless you want to create an atmosphere of fear and weariness about reporting an assault among your students. 

This is a small thing but f*ck school administrators who say “if you come forward and admit what you did you won’t be in trouble” then immediately turn around and suspend students.

If someone put these notes up in my office I wouldn’t feel targeted.

Because schools really, really, really, really ... really don’t want to face something like that. They will attack the girl with the spotlight before they face the truth.

Shedd claimed that a male student felt targeted by the notes and no longer left safe attending class.” asshole is in denial about the rapist who literally outed himself. police need to get the name from the principal and find out what he’s been up to.


If I was that administrator and a male student approached me “fearing” for his safety, after a series of notes that called out NOBODY in particular for being a rapist...

I would... pat that little f’er on the head and tell him that it will all be okay... while dialing the local sex crime unit with my other

Yanno what they say, ‘if the shoe fits, kick yourself with it.’

It’s like those crime dramas when the killer inadvertently admits to the crime.

If you feel like the sentence “There’s a rapist in this school” is a bullying attack on you, specifically, despite the fact that you haven’t been named, I think that says something pretty straightforward about you!

If someone feels attacked by a note calling out rapists, perhaps some self-reflection is in order...?

a male student felt targeted by the notes and no longer left safe attending class.

Or a football player and they don’t want to risk losing a game or two.

I have extremely low regard for a school administration that dismisses sexual assault reports due to their own discomfort about the subject, or worse, due their bias in favour of the perpetrator.

How do you change the topic from rape.

I bet you all £1000 that the rapist is the son of one of the teachers.