
Yeah, this is the kind of rock-stupid clickbait that virtually gurantees a Fox berth at the least.

This looks god-awful.

Now there’s a man who dodged a ton ‘o bullets. Glad he found the right woman for him.

Too busy still celebrating Trump’s pardon. 😛🤪

Hey, the joy of white privilege is that you never suffer consequences for the damage you do. You always get a second chance, a way out...until you don’t. These people are more gruesomely entitled than Gatsby’s Buchanans--and that’s saying something.

Ehehehe. For a raging narcissist like him to lose _anything_ is like normal folks losing it all. Scum like him feel they deserve to keep every-damn-thing.

Hey, if Taylor Swift can remember, well...😈

Was the horse farm an actual, profitable business—or was it a rich-guy affectation he put on?

_Thank_ you. This is yet another way non-wealthy folks are getting shut out of the arts/media in general. And when rich kids mess up, they get endless second chances or can leverage another media stream like writing or modeling. The rest of us, not so much.

He’s smokin’ hot in STOKER, as well. One of my fav actors.

Can You Stand the Rain, by New Edition.

In addition, Brody loves dissing Pauline Kael as if she was an irrational lightweight whose emotions totally interfered with her critical judgement. She did pick her favs, but she was not a lightweight.

Yeesh. Y’all called this all wrong. Lane is satirizing the type of exhausted, sex-starved, overworked suburban parents who would see this—in particular, the dads.

Seriously, that music. Talk about bad ‘00 rom-com flashbacks. As well, if SNL deigned to work this faux-Christian mess over, it wouldn’t have to change a thing.

That shit is evil. And your family is evil for thinking it’s funny. They so need to be called out on their attitude and cruelty. (Hey, I’d be delighted to drop in and bust their ghastly chops.) I am so, so sorry this happened to you.

Eheheh. A forensic prof friend of mine often hits Wal-Mart for crime-scene recreation goods for class. IIRC, she called it most convenient one-stop-shopping. As well, it takes way less time to wade through there than Target or Home Depot. :)

Nah. His year-long adventures running a shaved-ice stand in Hawaii. ;)

Aww, come on. Give them credit for not playing to thriller stereotype.

Directed by Christopher “I Fridge Movie Wives Like Forty Going North” Nolan, correct?