*deering gives NoiseTankNick and Curmudgahideen her best Bill-Hader-as-Keith-Morrison gaze* I must paint you.
*deering gives NoiseTankNick and Curmudgahideen her best Bill-Hader-as-Keith-Morrison gaze* I must paint you.
Urgh. Does this mean we’ll have to suffer through a bunch of Trump-authored thrillers after he gets clapped into prison.
It and Wal-Mart. WM shows up so much in true-crime stories as the Serial Killer’s Implement Store Of Choice, it’s unnerving. As if shopping there wasn’t bad enough.
Seriously, what is with that? When and why did parenthood suddenly become the only funnel you have to squeeze your life through? Geez, say what you want about folks back in the MAD MEN era—at least they had more going on in their lives than their kids.
It’s an Army phrase. If a mission gets screwed up, all parties involved are called into a ctJ meeting to find out what went wrong.
One of the classes he shot up contained his ex-girlfriend.
“...you should just go watch Earth 2.”
Ugh. How do writers still get away with this kind of plotting? When a show starts out with characters refusing to clue each other in, I hit the “Screw that—not worth the agony” delete button real quick.
Sooo, where is a great paleta recipe? No fair to describe paradise without lighting a candle to show the way, no? ;)
I’d read her blog. :)
I’m not seeing what’s wrong with Comic Relief’s tracker suggestion, either. Might need a bunch of ‘em, though...
Andrew Lack wanted that sweet Fox audience, period. It’s why MSNBC had that purge in the months before Trump was elected. Non-white folks with shows either got canned, were forced out, or (in Al Sharpton’s case) given an impossible time slot. That is why Kelly will get endless chances until she loses way too much…
God, I could go on for hours about how overrated Nolan is.
Yup. There was not nearly enough at stake in these movies. And centering them on such a limited palette of race/characterization/ecomonic status made the problem increasingly worse as the oughts wore on. One of my fav rom coms will always be 1938’s HOLIDAY, because on the surface it is your 30s standard “wacky heiress…
Eheheheh. Will see and raise you AUDITION, one of my favorite anti-Valentine’s Day flicks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audition_(1999_film)
Yeah, boy. Nifty work.
Andrew Niccol doesn’t get nearly enough love. IN TIME was also good work.
Spectre’s song is terrific—simple, stark, and despairing. It desperately needs to be covered by someone else.
1) Cline doesn’t realize that both porn scenarios are still all about control over women—about deciding how they should be desirable to men. Still insulting. And guys who rant on about how they hate those “fuck bunnies” aren’t complimenting the rest of us—they hate any woman who won’t be what they want all the time.…
As well, what finally happened with Joseph? Did Moore take him in, or...?