
LOL!! I am so stealing your response. Dorothy Parker is smiling down on you, trust me. :)

Heh--I like Obama’s response to a similar accusation Jones made against him.


Heheheheh. The RNC is working with what it’s got. Ever since the disastrous Dubya Administration, the Republicans have had _no_ bench. Everyone from that crew was too toxic to be general-elected to anything. Add to that the Tea Party and its equally awful candidates took over the GOP, and, well, what you have here is

I’ve always wanted a penny farthing—until I found out they orginally didn’t come with brakes. 😱 There’s a Cali guy who makes brand-new ones (with brakes), but I’d need lottery cash to afford.

Why hasn’t your friend called CPS? Those kids could be badly undernourished, which is abuse.

That Linda Fairstein went on to make millions and have a huge writing career after getting on the public radar with this case is a sin and a shame. Will never read any of her books.


Er...dare I ask what this story’s about? Is he taking down Gotham’s version of Anna Wintour or Ms. Nasty Girl thing or what? ;)

Heh. Sean Young’s fate when she went method-Catwoman back in the day is proof positive of this.

Could have been worse--we came close to having Debra Messing as Rita Hayworth. ;)

And weirdly enough, he was in FOYLE’S WAR a while back as a army vet with tortured secrets. I almost felt sorry for him, but I kept expecting him to kill Foyle; bust out; and become his evil nemesis. ;)

He was Denbigh, aka “C”—the goverment guy pushing Bond’s boss to make MI6 total computer surveillance instead of agent-boots-on-the-ground. :) Turned out to be a Spectre mole.

I’ve thought before that both Nolands have trouble with female and non-white characters. (And, no, casting Morgan Freeman and a bunch of African-American extras does not automatically get you off the hook in the latter regard. That’s just a minor upgrade on the old “wise old black man” trope.)

Heh—I bailed on POI when they killed Taraj Henson off. Granted, there’d be no Cookie if they hadn’t, but something about it didn’t sit right with me.

I’ve re-run his faceoff with Sherlock at the pool more times than I should admit.

Eheheheh. As soon as he showed up in the last Bond, it wasn’t hard to peg his character’s true nature. ;)

Yeah, they burned through plot way too fast. And they got reversal-happy to the point you didn’t care what was going on because there was no point in doing so.