
This list is a bit suspect as there is not one Better Call Saul episode on it. 

Comedy sequels, like horror sequels, are hard because the audience already knows what to expect. It becones hard to make a great one because of those expectations. It's a difficult balance to play off of them while also playing to them.

Remember when we had a president who could laugh at himself? Thanks, Obama.

the whole story hinges on, is how ViacomCBS controls Chappelle’s Show now and doesn’t have to give him any part of it because of a contract he signed before he left the show.

There were dems I liked better than Biden, but I’m not sure how many of them would have had a stronger chance of beating Trump.

Most will not do anything except express rage online.

His son has already called for "total war" and boards around the internet are filled with people calling for civil war. Let's hope it's just smoke

I heard this and was super happy and then got a huge wave of anxiety. Trump supporters are not known for their mental stability and who knows what the idiot in chief is going to say today. I don’t think we will see civil war but I’d be surprise if no violence breaks out somewhere over this.

I'm a Chicagoan too. And I've NEVER heard cheering like this. Its incredible, actually. 

I honestly doubt so. I believe that I would have made the wrong choice, if I had been able to select the democratic candidate.

I count my lucky stars that my entire family (at least, the small cohort of us who have Thanksgiving together) is a bunch of flaming liberal snowflakes.

There is literal cheering in the streets of my Chicago neighborhood.

Well, it looks like I’m going to be the one whose insufferable at Thanksgiving this year, Dad.

Well, as long as you’re sorry. Admitting it is always the first step.

To also mention because not a whole lot of female authors are well known for horror fiction.

It’s about a cult and a festival devolving into supernatural madness. I feel like no one reads his stuff which is a shame.

For me it was Pet Semetary, hands down. I’ve read a lot of suspenseful novels, but this is the only one that made me feel genuine fright.

It starts M-O, but after that I get fuzzy. Some clarification would really help.

Well, Skarsgard is inspired casting at least. Better than this guy. And a black Larry, cool! And with [redacted] having such a big role in the trailer I wonder if they’ll stick around longer in this version or whether we’re being set up for a Game of Thrones-Style fake out. Is Greg Kinnear gonna be Nick? He seems a

Needs more Crowded House.