
His best novels: The Shining, Misery, Pet Sematary, The Talisman, The Stand, 11/22/63, The Dead Zone, The Green Mile, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. If any of those are “fresh” enough for you, you can’t go wrong with them. He also has some stellar short novel collections like “Full Dark, No Stars” and “Different

One of the most overlooked films ever. Harrowing, with memorable imagery. 

Did you guys miss the part where we found out he's a liberal-hating republican? 

I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes Wolves of the Calla. It’s not perfect, but it's my third-favourite of the books, after the first two. I thought the meta reveal was mind blowing (though that aspect was handled less gracefully in later books). 

I want a movie as much as anyone; I just hope we get committed Harmon, not "obligated season six" Harmon. 

“every so often it still tricks me into thinking something is going to matter when it obviously won’t”

We’re basically in agreement; I also think the O’Brien period has the very best episodes, but that only covers seasons 4 and 5. I recently finished a re-watch of the first 13 seasons, graded every episode, and created this graph that reflects my opinion in a mathematical way.

You should include season two of The Simpsons - it’s better than season 8, and equal to season 7. Episodes include classics Lisa’s Substitute, Three Men and a Comic Book, Bart Gets an F, and The Way We Was.

The Moth being a redemption story doesn’t make it good, but your Fire + Water reasoning is solid.

I get what you’re saying, and I agree about Walter. I wouldn’t put an equal sign between this and that, though. Walter’s descent seemed inevitable, for one, and to me, it felt less tragic than Kim’s. She’s very dear to me. Maybe she’ll do this, and then realize how far she’s fallen and get back to decency. I would

You’re not supposed to like it. Fear for her life has instead become fear for her soul.

One of the songs on this album quotes Kate Bush!

Here’s what Tony Dalton himself had to say:

I’ve never given an F to a Simpsons episode. Most of the worst episodes are in C range, and even the worse seasons earn a few B+ grades.

Yeah, people tend to remember the best episodes and think they represent a whole season. Season 8 contains one all-time great episode, for instance (“Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(ANNOYED GRUNT)cious” and excellent episodes like “The Mysterious Voyage of Homer”, “The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”, and “Homer’s

They’re fun!

Post season 13, I’ve only watched a few episodes a year. Of course quality is way down, but I can usually find a good joke. I don’t know how memorable it is, but in a season 29 episode where Bart is presumed dead, Wiggum asks Marge, “Ma’am? Can you describe your son’s skeleton?”

To those saying the show’s decline didn’t become apparent until year 11 or something, I beg to differ. The show was brilliant for three seasons (4, 5, and 6), it was very good for three (2, 3, and 7), and fairly good for one (8). The rest is inessential, apart from a few episodes a year. This chart is based on a

I referred to her as my tv wife tonight.

My takeaway was different from yours when Lalo walked out at the end. I thought Kim had convinced him that Saul wasn’t keeping secrets from him.