
I enjoyed Mr Mayor and the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt movie. It’s kind of obvious that she’s at a point in her career where she doesn’t want to work as hard as she did on 30 Rock. That’s fair since her and Robert Carlock’s hours on that show were insane, but it’s showing a bit in the quality of the work. These are B+

I don’t know if this is all Dolly or she’s got some genius manager/publicist, but she has for years been on point. Her responses and takes are always smart and she’s never in damage-control mode. Even with her response a few years ago to the criticism of the Old Dixie Stampede, a strange and really tone-deaf piece of

did Trump change anyone’s life in a meaningful way”

Well, 50k is a lot though. Makes sense Trump’s enablers are more upset about the loss of followers on Twitter than they are about the loss of lives to COVID.

*golf cart

We’ve all known that Trump is total narcissist and sociopath. It HAS to all be about him. ALL eyes must be on him. Given even half a chance, he will consume all the oxygen in the room and would stab his own children if they got between him and a TV camera.

You just know he’s going to try to post from his family member’s accounts sometime tomorrow and get them banned as well. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Wow, one of those rare movie poster tag lines that’s better than the title. I mean, Born to Kill is a decent enough title, but nothing beats Bullet-Man and Silken Savage!

Yeah, I only watch cartoons if the people who made them have wrestled at least fifteen bears.

Hello there, toxic masculinity.

I was very annoyed to see Vito’s death compared to Tara from Buffy. Buffy is a completely different genre, Tara’s death was not inevitable, and we need to separate the pattern of randomly killing off gay characters from realistic depictions of homophobia.

I love when Tony explains that mobsters get a pass on homosexual activity in prison because there’s no other option, to which Melfi gives a baffled “That’s...nice.”

If you have the chance, check out an old, old movie called Born To Kill. Tierney makes a very convincing psychopath. Also, it’s a good movie.

During its original run, I didn’t watch Sopranos closely; I had a couple roommates who liked it, so I saw a couple middle seasons by osmosis. I remember it being on A&E around 2008, and I’d stop on it occasionally while surfing channels. The Johnny Cakes storyline was so distinct to me; I remember flipping to Sopranos

Firstly, Murphy has barely aged. Secondly, why no Eriq La Salle??

I believe it is available to stream on Disney Plus. 

Yeah, Sean Connery is what I hear.

Make Sean Connery sound like he’s trapped down a well, bam. Bane voice.

TDKR’s Bane was a “The Monkey’s Paw” version of someone’s extremely horny wish to see Tom Hardy with a jockstrap on his face.

At this point I’m resigned to this site’s slow, terminal decline. The actual writing is still generally fine, but once again, venture capital destroys all. 

Has anyone else visiting this site on mobile been getting full-screen ads with no way to click away or remove them for a while now?