
“those first five seasons or so are genuinely hilarious" You misspelled "two". 

Yes to all that.

An all-time bottom-five 99 episode gets an A? It was so unfunny! And there were characters behaving out of character left and right.

I just looked at that moment again. We actually can’t see her expression while she’s looking at the piece of mail. The cresftfallenness happens when Jimmy says he has “business news”.

Yeah, I was surprised to read that this episode gave Donna hope for Kim instead of the opposite. I hope she’s onto something.

That’s what we were all thinking after seeing the dancing dwarf scene or Maddie’s killing on network tv in 1990.

Ha! My partner and I had the exact same thought about Nick and Adam! Dorky-looking twins.

I think Rob is actually a great player. But his sense of entitlement makes me not want him to get back in the game.

I’m more scared for Kim than ever. Right now, her dying would be just the thing to kick Jimmy into full Saul. :(

Next season is supposed to be 13 episodes, if that helps.

I can’t tell if you started naming shitty shows as a joke or not.

It's not a rip off, because Cohen is credited as one of the song's writers.

I like Daly, but man, that last character he did (who loves every place he visits) was near mirthless.

I also enjoyed how much fun Acker was having playing out Jimmy’s schemes (evident during the fake mail scene) .

“Charming" might be the first word I would use to describe it, actually. 

I don’t think is pursuing this out of a desire to win. She’s come to hate her employers, and she won’t let them do something that goes against everything she believes in. It doesn’t matter that Acker is a crank; he’s still “the little guy” in this equation.

Zooropa is U2's best album.

Yes, those two were terrible. I’d like to add, though, that one of the best filmed King projects was an original screenplay: Storm of the Century.

My comment wasn’t clear; I know it’s not the cave-in kids. I just think it would’ve made more sense for it to be them.

That would be dumb on El Cuco’s part, because it warns Ralph it’s not dead!