
I agree King adaptations have a spotty record, but he was barely involved in the Dome tv show (he wrote one episode).

omg get a room, you guyz

I think the ghost kids appeared to Ralph to let him know the thing wasn’t dead yet, but I don’t get the logic that it would be those two particular kids. I know their deaths are on his mind, but I don’t think that should conjure their ghosts. At first I thought it was the kids who died in the caves; their ghosts would

Since the creature is dead, I wonder what the scratch would even entail.

My tv must’ve been too dark. I think that whole mid-credits scene was lame, in a horror cliché way.

Ralph takes some convincing in the book too, but it’s not the focus like it is on the show.

Richard Price has already started thinking of material for a second season, so no. If HBO renews it, the show’s coming back. They even hinted strongly at it in the episode, with Ralph saying he’d like to team up with Holly again, and asking her what else is out there.

It’s strange to me the conclusion you drew from that mid-credits scene. She saw Jack because she’s still haunted by the events of the show. And I didn’t see a scratch. They hinted at further adventures by having Ralph say he’d like to team up with her again and asking what else is out there, but El Cuco is dead.

Though I’m enjoying the show, I can totally get someone not liking the odd pace. It’s definitely a “your mileage may vary” type thing.

The preview for next week hinted at the fact that Holly is an outsider in her own way.

I’m fairly certain Holly doesn’t have “powers”. She certainly doesn’t in the books. She’s just really, really good at certain things, like memorizing stuff, figuring stuff out.

The show stretches the novel’s events out (and adds and subtracts). I really liked the book. The show is better at subtlety (never a King strong point). Overall if you didn’t like the book, I’d say skip it. Or watch one episode and decide.

To me, the series finale is the only episode that lives up to the show’s reputation, where they finally realized their potential. I realize I’m in the minority, though, and I’m glad so many people love it. It’s fun to love a show.

Regarding the stuff they went out to get, it was important in the book, so we’ll see.

That’s definitely the reason.

I don't know if it will be bland, but it might be hagiographic. Smith and the director are long time pals. 

I disagree with folks annoyed with Ralph’s reluctance. He’s behaving the way most people would when faced with the unbelievable.

I liked that they made the cave attraction active, as opposed to the book. Could make for a more exciting finale.

I don’t recall anyone saying that it’s reproducing...

Only two people go run errands. And they might be important errands, even though we did not see them.