
Let me top that one: Lucille Ball.

I feel like Randall Park would have been a lot better Ratner, and I’d have gone with Michael B. Jordan as Charles and LC. But LaBeouf’s Spicolli is immaculate. Just glad to see LaBeouf happy and working.

When I watched her Hot Ones episode the whole time I was thinking, “Man she’s going a little over the top with her supposed admiration for Sean” but by the end of it, and then in the interview she did with him after for her YouTube channel, I realized that, no, that’s genuinely her and she’s legitimately that

This might be the best casually-tossed-off comment section show pitch I’ve ever seen and I would legitimately watch it.

I think Drew’s really good at making you like her because she reminds you of a friend of yours, except you don’t actually have a friend like her, but you’d like to and there’s the genius.

Well, that was something.

Anyway, it’s been two weeks, COVID symptoms reportedly tend to last two weeks ...

Tommy, how’s the peeping?

Movies should only be about nice people!

The 2002 Ripley’s Game, with John Malkovich as Ripley, is worth a look. But Matt Damon was a revelation in The Talented Mr. Ripley, and I think the best portrayal possible of the man*. Part of that is that Damon is so fresh-faced and innocent seeming, part of it is that the script allows us to see him almost unraveling

Barry Zuckercorn, all the way

After this broke, one of our newspapers (the Sydney Morning Herald I think) found a guy really named David Manning and asked his opinion on a few movies.

All I remember is gorilla penis.

I’m fairly certain the guy who wrote New Groove blurb is the oldest contributor to this list and I’m also pretty sure that I, who also voted for it, am the second-oldest.

I wonder what the worst film in 2000 was, probably Battlefield Earth? I haven’t seen Pay it Forward, but I do have an elderly aunt with a Facebook account, so I assume I’ve basically seen Pay it Forward. 

If you’re a big fan of doing things upfront, maybe read the intro above. Might clear some things up in this regard. 

Ah yes, the universally despised Glitter-equivalent flop.........Unbreakable. 

2000 was a low-key great year for the experience of loving music in film (hmm, feel like I missed my opportunity to pitch an essay on that, huh), between Almost Famous, High Fidelity, O Brother, and Dancer.

Kinda like certain Scorcese movies (Casino, Goodfellas, Wolf of Wall Street). You get drawn in by the fantasy of being rich, well-dressed, respected, answering to nobody, and desirable to women. There are few men on Earth who are all set with the amount of money, sex and power they currently have.

‘99 was the year I really became a film buff, but ‘00 was the year I graduated college, moved to Boston, and had numerous theaters at my disposal. I remember seeing Crouching Tiger and State and Main a few days apart at the Kendall, and I remember taking in Almost Famous and O Brother on Friday nights at the