
So when we were watching Mission Impossible: Fallout, at the end when Cruise has to deal with one seemingly impossible feat after another in stopping Cavill’s helicopter and it culminates in the crash and rolling wreckage and these two characters still fighting, my wife and I just started cracking up. Because we

That’s why I miss seeing movies in the theater—random reactions are part of the experience and shape how you see the movie and what you remember about it (seeing Creed in Philly was pretty great). I really really hope we can have movie theaters again.

Wow, I would have guessed What Lies Beneath was older - it has that definite 90s psychological thriller vibe. The scene where Ford is (OLD SPOILERS) slowly drowning Pfeiffer in the tub is actually one of my all-time favorites of his, because it’s just such a departure. His calm, emotionally detached demeanor as he

“I’m sorry, Wilson!” still gets me.

Nothing has even spoken to the star power and talent of Tom Hanks more than being able to say “Tom Hanks talks to a volleyball for a couple hours and it’s thoroughly entertaining.”


So Louis CK hasn’t been completely shunned by every human on Earth? How dare they? I mean, didn’t the planet get the memo?

Did OP just post something that resembled well thought out points? BAN HIM FROM THE AV CLUB FOR LIFE. 

Oh my gawd.  A measured, considerate take.  You don't belong here.  

That’s his friend, not just a fellow comic. What CK has done is abhorrent, and I hope Dave, Sarah, and the like have given him the business over it. But they also have his back to get him to go to and stick with therapy, deal with and address his problems. That's real friendship. 

His show was canceled, his movie was shelved, he probably won’t be making any more of either, and no streaming service or TV network is willing to run his specials. He might still be able to do live performances, but aside from that I’d say his career is about as derailed as it can be. 

Asked women unprofessional and uncomfortable questions 30 years ago?

Wait, is Dave Chappelle allowed to be friends with people the AV Club isn't friends with?

Oooh....REM ‘Chronic Town’...first few bars of “Wolves, Lower” are just sublime. Does a 5-song EP count, though?

Yes, “tricked” him into giving yet ANOTHER great performance in a movie lol. You can hate the guy all you want but he’s got the chops.

Yep. That album had me hooked just a few notes into it. What a gorgeous, grand opening that sounded like nothing I had ever heard before or since.

Now playing

Ideally the first 25 seconds ..but even the first 10 are good enough to be my favourite.

I don’t expect everyone with their busy lives to track this type of stuff, but I have a pet peeve whenever someone mistakes a non-Pixar animated movie for Pixar. I get the confusion with the Planes movies, but I have heard people mistake stuff like Big Hero 6 and The Croods as the newest Pixar movie. I don’t say

My son, who was 6 at the time and a huge Pixar fan (Wall-E was on almost constantly at our house), was so excited about this movie coming out that he talked about it non-stop. He wanted to see it in the theatre more than anything, and even though we had a 4 y.o. and a 6 month old baby as well at the time, we all

What I just realized: I haven’t seen any Pixar movies in the last decade because Cars 2 broke my hot streak. I’d seen every previous movie (excepting A Bug’s Life) in theaters at least once, but with this one I said “I’m not going to see that thing in the theaters and never recovered, so to speak.