
I do kind of wish it had been a little more substantial, like it could have dealt a lot more with Jesse’s guilt and how he felt about everything that had happened to him.

some nice realistic gunplay also with a believably high miss rate

The bit in that where he stopped to feed the spider pretty much sums up the character to me. 

When Jesse was taking apart Todd’s apartment it reminded me of the BCS episode where Mike took apart his car looking for Gus’s bug and then after all that, discovering it in the gas cap.  I was wondering if there would be and BCS easter eggs for the upcoming season but I guess it’s better for this to be Jesse’s

Donna Bowman did not review this? What does that mean for the future of Better Call Saul reviews?!

Dad of two young boys here. I made it through three songs of the Ghosteen before I totally fucking lost it. The pictures Nick Cave creates with his words are absolutely devastating. Takes a lot to break me up these days but I was sobbing, imagining the pain of losing a child. Hug your family and tell them you love em.

I’m still at a loss why her career didn’t really take off after this. She proved she’s credible as both an action star and then with this, as a comedy/romantic lead. 

And that’s a fair enough view, but they can just say that. The multiple layers of meta are unnecessary.

When you’re bored and want a laugh, copy and paste an article into Google Translate, translate it into another language, then into another, then back to English. The result will be more coherent than whatever this is. 

Thank you. This piece was written as if we’re all intimately familiar with all the backstory and weird feuds and so forth. I have no idea what that first Norm MacDonald tweet is supposed to mean and the article certainly didn’t explain it. 

Yeah, the consensus here is pretty spot-on. I can’t make heads or tails out of the writer’s angle. It’s some sort of take down on Macdonald’s take down but it’s buried in so much noise that it’s impossible to parse. I don’t care if Norm’s politics seem like they skew vaguely conservative. He’s still funny. Dennis

Well it's at least heartening to hear someone else say it's insanely confusing 

Not sure social media can fairly be blamed for this article, which seems designed specifically to be insanely confusing.

Look guys, I’m not gonna defend Norm on this one, but just... just come right out and actually criticise him, okay? Just say that he said some dumb shit if that’s what you want to say. You really don’t have to smother everything in layers of knowing snark and eye-rolling irony to the point where it’s incomprehensible.

I read this whole article and I don’t understand a bit of what this situation is about. This shit seems exhausting, I’ll be over here continuing to abstain from social media

I’m having trouble following anything in this article.

Your reminder that it’s spelled Cocoon

Fun facts about “Suicide is Painless”, the theme song for M*A*S*H - it was performed, lyrics and all, in the (far superior to the tv show) movie.

Trace Adkins speaking voice is incredible. 

Frankly, no ending could have been darker than showing Kevin soaking his tired dancing feet in the hotel’s hallway ice dispenser.