
I didn’t get this bronze medal playing skeeball, honey.

As a gay man, I’d like to apologize on behalf of our community to everyone who makes an effort not to be offensive, makes a slip-up, and gets pummeled to death by every queer person within range.

250000+ civilians dead because of his daddy issues and the guy gets an art installation in DC where he’s displaying paintings he did of soldiers who fought in the illegal war he started, wtf?

Honestly, I get why the country elected Trump. I mean, I think it’s vile on every level, but I at least understand the twisted reasoning behind it. But I will never understand why so many people are so anxious to rehabilitate this guy who presided over 8 years of dread and misery. How do you forget how repulsive it

Fully agreed on Karamo, I don’t think many people realize that he has real experience as a social worker.

I love Rick and Morty. The problem is, a lot of the fans, myself included, think of ourselves as Rick, or maybe Morty. The trouble is, we’re all a lot more like Jerry.

Screw these negative Nancy's in the comments.  I'm excited Rick and Morty is back. Season 3 was the best one yet

I hate these movies!

Yeah and how Sonny Corleone’s massive dong is the only thing that can satisfy her.


So it’s Crash but much more crass and literal. Pass.

I’m planning to watch the season again, someday, knowing that Dougie is the story and not the introduction - wondering if every episode would be the one where Cooper comes back was kind of a distraction. 

I’m not going to comment on the rumors, for fear of jinxing it. Just wanted to second Lynch’s tweet about King County, WA. I visited North Bend and Snoqualmie literally two days ago as a birthday gift to myself, and found the people to be incredibly warm and inviting. From Twede’s Cafe to the Snoqualmie Falls gift

For my money, nothing ever topped the pilot movie. But there were episodes of the Return that came close.

Do I wait 15 minutes for my Damn Fine Coffee energy to recharge or pay $2.99 to get 15000 Log Bucks to convert to Cherry Pie boost mode?

>> It’s important to note at the outset that Peaks creator and director David Lynch hasn’t ruled out a fourth season, despite the apparently conclusive nature of The Return.

I have quite a few fond memories of the original rumor mill for Season 3. First, an anonymous tip was published on AICN saying that there had sat in on a pitch for season 3 (this was well more than 4 1/2 years before season 3 came out, iirc, based on the timeline of when I stopped visiting AICN).

Why not? I had mixed feelings about the third season but pop culture is so much more interesting with David Lynch in it.