
Not knowing it was fake has nothing to do with why it’s scary. It’s scary because it’s a well-made horror film.

I'm most excited to see Jamie Lee in this. 

I really appreciate that. I’m especially proud of the episode write-ups. I have no idea if anyone visits the site, because no one comments!

I humbly present the website I’ve dedicated to the show, including reviews of every episode (I have yet to write up The Return).

Maybe it helps if you know the road ahead. The roughest patch is episodes 8 to 14 of the second season.

From that era, I highly recommend Trick, a charming and touching comedy. 

I think it works like gangbusters as a horror film, but the second you start to take a closer look, an army of plot holes and questions appear. 

Ha ha! I assure you my list is very well thought out. I think my reviews of Shawshank and The Shining lay out my case pretty well. 

You’re going to hate my placement of 4 of your top 5, but here goes:

I think Storm of the Century is top five, as far as King movies go. 

And my picks for best. There are twice as many as there are bad ones:

I feel that rumours of shitty King endings have been greatly exaggerated. He’s written quite a few more good endings than bad ones. But I made a list of my picks for the worst ones once:

I don’t remember everything that was added, but I remember feeling like the two are about equal. The uncut version adds good stuff and less good stuff. It should be considered the definitive version, though, because it’s what King originally wanted to publish. The only reason he couldn’t is because the book company

I’d welcome all kinds of adaptations. I just don’t want Mick Garris near any of them. I just looked over his oeuvre, and I’ve seen seven of his projects. I’ve only found two of them to be ok (Psycho IV, oddly enough, and The Stand). The man doesn’t understand filmmaking.

Garris has indeed already done Desperation, and it’s the worst thing he’s ever done. Which is saying a lot.

Aw Gwen, when you said they were keeping to the “western side of North America" I got my hopes up, but nothing on the west coast at all. :(

I can’t like this comment enough. That was some nonsense, William Hughes.

The follow-ups to Mr. Mercedes are actually better books than the first. Especially the second book, which is kind of a stand-alone story. They’re not really sequels anyway; the idea from the start was to write three books that constitute one story.

Emmies are not an indicator of actual quality. 

I started reading this thread taking notes of which episodes to check out. Then, pretty much every episode was named as a highlight!