
To those disappointed with the grade, remember that an Erik Adams B+ is basically an A. 

Yikes, the trailer makes it sound so generic. 

Kyle’s post doesn’t specify a when. Lynch didn’t draw the map two years ago. He drew it when the show was first created. I remember seeing it back then. 

The creators intended the population to be one tenth of that. The network had them change it because they thought not enough people would be interested in such a small town. 

I thought Hateful Eight was his best movie since Pulp Fiction. I'd say he's already returned to form. 

I haven't seen that episode, and after everything I've heard, I'm not sure I ever will. 

I hope this one is actually scary. This is one of the creepiest scenes in the book, and it looks like they didn’t botch it.

That Halloween bit and the gay beer commercial are the only things of his I've ever laughed at on SNL. I never understood what anyone thought was funny about Opera Man. 

One of the best music videos ever made. 

Infinity War is currently on Canadian Netflix, so I don't see why this won't be. 

Those are pretty easy. 1. Linus and Widmore. 2. Who cares? If you start asking that, where did Desmond come from? Where did Widmore come from? Where did Miles come from? etc. 3. It’s not just any light and water - it’s light and water on an island with supernatural properties. 4. That one I agree with you on. 5. He

Yes, that’s why that article is entertaining. The author still believes everything he wrote in it, though.

Oh no, this is not that. It actually makes sense.

I think you’re exactly right. Because of the uncertain nature of the flash sideways, I couldn’t feel much about them; it felt like that half of the season was meaningless at first. But on rewatch they worked much better.

It’s about how Jack probably turned into a smoke monster when he died, because he went in the cave. He even ends up on the same rock Blackie did when the latter’s body was expulsed from the cave. It’s laid out in detail here, along with the idea that the twins’ adoptive mother was very likely a smoke monster too:

Some of the stuff he came up with blew me away, including the “Jack Monster” part.

You’re right that I didn’t count, but the ratio is nowhere near 50%. There are a lot of very well thought-out answers there. Also, like the guy says, if folks don’t like that the island was, for want of a better word, “magic”, then people were watching the wrong show. I will give you that the way everything was

5% does not equal “half the answers”. And sometimes it’s true - it really doesn’t matter. Some folks got worked up over things for no reason.

I get what you’re saying. Both camps are pretty bitterly entrenched by now. Give it a shot. If you go in knowing that not every mystery has a satisfying resolution, you’ll probably enjoy it. I loved it the second time around.