
I disagree with that interpretation of the Twin Peaks finale. I subscribe to the theory that Laura’s scream defeats Judy.

The Lost section skillfully splits the difference between the lovers and haters. The first time I saw the finale, I liked it a lot, but with reservations. I re-watched the series, and those reservations vanished. The show’s ups and downs are a lot easier to take the second time around. Also, for anyone looking for

That was delightful. She sounds like such a great creative person.

Seasons 5 and 6 are the low point of the show, but they came back with a vengeance for 7, which you should check out. 

Cutting the pages from The Stand was not an editorial decision at all. The publisher made that request for practical reasons, not creative ones. 

It must be interesting to be wrong all the time. 

I was gonna say, He's already there. 

Bernie will do even worse this time around. And I'm saying this as someone who likes him. He and Hillary were too divisive last time. At least she has the sense to stay out of it this time. 

“commemorate"? Are you trying to say "commentariat"?? 

Well that trailer made me chuckle more than the first half did. So... extremely cautious optimism? 

I'm Canadian too, and am very aware of Mulaney, mostly because of his hilarious stand-up. New In Town is one of the greatest stand-up specials of all time. 

The first half of season five was dispiritingly mirthless. You're not missing anything. 


Good going, Aziz. I think he should bring it up on every part of his tour, and include it in the special that will surely be filmed. 

I actually think The Apple is a good movie. Batshit insane, but good.

I love how much fun she's having with the game. 

I liked it, but what’s the movie trying to say, exactly? That tv news has the soul of a sociopath? That’s not exactly a revelation, yet the film underlines the point a bit hard. And there are moments that feel contrived for the sake of pushing the plot in a certain direction.

I'm not even a huge Lebowski fan, and I still found that painful.