
I don't love the show, but for me, the end of season one is when it STARTED being good. 

It's not pandering when the person is just being themselves. What she's doing is a net positive, getting young people interested in politics. 

It's definitely not deep, but it sure is entertaining. 

Oh, this should be good. I think Letterman is just the right interviewer for West. 

I actually prefer this to any song on the album. 

Gyllenhaal seems to be channeling Nicolas Cage at times here. 

First half of Arrested Development season 5 was dispiritingly unfunny. It made season 4 look good. 

And thank goodness for that. I really like the show, but I'm not remotely invested in the characters. Whenever there's an attempt at emotion, it falls flat. 


I wouldn't mind some Dean Norris sex gifs. 

Delicious snark, Hassenger. All the stars. 

I’m in the minority as someone who thinks this show hasn’t been great yet. The highest grade I've given an episode is A-, and only six times so far. To me, P&R was great, B99 is good, and this show is pretty good.

Jeremy Bearimy” is the only episode this season that lives up to the show’s reputation, in my opinion.

I wouldn’t mind not laughing so much if I cared more about what was happening on the show. Eleanor and Chidi are the only characters I feel anything for. Michael and Janet are fun because they’re not human, but Tahini and Jason remain one-joke characters.

At first I was agreeing with you, until you called season 1 fabulous. The first half of season 1 almost discouraged me from continuing to watch. Tonight’s episode was the worst one since season 1.

I wish this show was funnier. I often find by the end of an episode that I barely laughed. Why do I keep watching, you ask? Because it meets my minimum requirements for watchability. It’s fairly compelling on a fantasy level. It’s pretty good at the “sit”, not so much at the “com”. Which is disappointing from Michael

It's an art piece he did many years ago. 

That's actually one of their least funny bits. 

For me, it’s Today she took a train to the West” at the end of “Black Hair”.

“There is a crack in everything/That’s how the light gets in.”