
Best song ever.

The Costello line that most sticks with me is from my favourite song of all time, “I Want You”: “I woke up, and one of us was crying.”

“Wake Up Dead Man” is full of moving lyrics. It’s addressed to Jesus.

The Springsteen song that gets me the most is “Downbound Train”. A man has lost his partner, but he thinks he hears her voice calling him. He rushes to their house, thinking he’ll find her waiting for him.

I watched. It was dispiritingly mirthless. 

Bro in law acquires some dimension as the show progresses. 

That's definitely his worst collection. I hope you didn't give up on him, though. The next one (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams) has a better batting average. 

We don't have any of these in Canada. All the ones we have suck. President's Choice Toppings First was very good, but they stopped making it. 

I think the show is grossly overrated (doesn't hold a candle to Parks and Rec, certainly), but I can enjoy it anyway. I can tolerate how contrived the group's numerous narrow escapes are because the show has failed to make me feel emotionally invested. If I actually cared about the characters, the easy escapes would

Oh, and if you already dislike Walt, don't expect that to change. The show does a good job showing his point of view, but doesn't ask you to like him. 

The first season is the weakest one, and it gets better each season from there. I think the first great episode comes in season two. Its title? "Better Call Saul". 

Wexler spinoff! It wouldn’t be as exciting, but I can’t get enough of Rhea Seehorn as this character.

Pet Sematary. 

I hope you're not talking about the very ending, which is one of the very best things he's ever written. 

That scene is captivating for its full duration. Hence not a waste of time. 

I love this song and R. E. M. and Radiohead might be my favourite bands, and... this isn't very good. Yorke fudges it. 

Still waiting for “Erik Adams’ pre-air review” of Murphy Brown...

It’s possible I have a soft spot for this movie because it came out the same summer I did, but I’ve always thought it was a bit undervalued. At that time, straight America needed a lot of sugar to help the medicine go down, and that’s what this movie provided. Yes, it’s a little too timid, but it puts in a good

Definitely one of the best moments of the book. If I recall correctly the tv movie did it pretty well. 

It's also Krasinsky's favourite joke of the series.