
I’m impressed someone would publicly admit to being so stupid, sticking around for six years with a show they hate.

I've never heard Father John Misty's music because his name is the epitome of hipster pretension. 

B99 is one of the most consistent shows around. It's been a B+ show from the start, rarely touching greatness or awfulness. I keep watching to hang out with the characters. 

Yeah, unfortunately the twist is the best part of the movie. Aside from it, it's a hollow experience. 

What? The ending is what takes the whole story up to another level - it's one of the best endings King has ever written. 

This is hilarious. “Where did Jacob get his clothes?” Bravo.

The answer to several of those is “who cares?”

Claude from eight years ago, I wish I’d seen the episode you saw. I’d give it a B. On re-watch, I think it’s one of the season’s weakest. Despite a bunch of stuff happening, it lacks a sense of urgency. Things seem to be heading for a conflict between Widmore’s people and Smokey’s, and that sounds kinda boring.

It's extremely unpleasant. It makes Lisa's troubles too real. Also, there are no jokes. 

Well, that helps explain how mediocre this season is so far. I wonder why Hurwitz and the rest of the team were having so much trouble. 

That screencap at the top alone makes me want to watch it.

Even season 4 had some memorable laughs. The drop in quality has made me wonder what went wrong. Were they rushed? My hope is that they haven’t shot the second half yet, and that when they see how mirthless the first 8 episodes are, they’ll fix the remaining ones.

Aside from the mirthless writing this season (the insults they gave Lucille are especially bad), Will Arnett seems to be off his game. Maybe he doesn’t know what to do with the substandard scripts he’s handed.

Nope. This is a “I chuckled once or twice per episode” take. Something went seriously wrong at the writing stage.

Can he also apologize for season five being so bad it’s making season four look good in retrospect?

I just made the dish and like it, but there are basic things missing from this article. An important one is the size of the dish (“medium” isn’t enough information). I had to hope and pray that mine was the right size. Also, “1 loaf French bread” made me think I had done something wrong when I could only fit 7 slices

Well, maybe your FACE scale is off! *comeback of the year*

The title got me hyped, but the grade brought me back down to earth. B is what I would give season 4.

I don’t base my opinion on their careers, because that’s too dependant on luck and their own judgment, and not enough on their talent. Aniston made a lot of shitty rom-coms, but on the show, she was awesome. But yes, Kudrow is also very talented.

His best novels that aren’t already listed in your post: Pet Sematary, The Talisman, Desperation, 11/22/63, The Green Mile.