
I don’t like to read the reviews as I’m watching, so I’m just now checking them out after finishing the season, and... THIS gets an A-?? I grade every episode I see, and I gave this the worst grade I’ve ever given a Silicon Valley episode. It was horribly unfunny.

Your noxious self-righteousness doesn’t make your judgments credible.

I think she was the most talented of the Friends.

You people are crazy. She’s the Paris of people!

I wish that was funny. :(

“Russow” is one of the funniest misspellings I’ve seen in some time. Thank you.

Based on the article, it’s not a revival, but a documentary.

Have you gone to a sleep clinic? I have sleep apnea, but my cpap ensures that I get my rest.

I think it is.

Count me among the freaks. The hotness of Thanos is almost enough to make me watch that movie.

What, nothing about the robot wanting to fuck Farrah?

Wow, even nine years later, your old comments are still insufferable.

Yeah, the show declined. But very slowly. It’s worth owning on dvd up to season 5; and seasons 6 and 7 were still good, with a few classic episodes of their own (Niagara, Classy Christmas, Garage Sale). This is how I’d rate the seasons:
1: B+
2: A
3: A
4: A-
5: A-
6: B+
7: B+
8: C+
9: B-

You don’t need to reread The Talisman to get Black House - they’re so tenuously related they might as well be completely different stories. But I think your time would be better spent rereading the first book and not bothering with the second.

Best season: 1

Your theory doesn’t jibe with why I thought the movie should end underwater. What happened as I watched it was, that moment came, and I remember thinking, “Wow, if this is the ending, it’s haunting and brilliant.” And then the narrator jolts me out of the movie by saying thousands of years pass. David then getting his

It’s so weird to read my initial comments on this show, because I have trouble understanding where I was coming from! More than most shows, watching Lost a second time is a hugely different experience. And a more enjoyable one, because the pressure’s off from trying to figure everything out.

Morgan Murphy? Interesting. I only know her from her excellent stand-up special “Irish Goodbye”.

Funny what nine years and a second viewing will do. I read my comment above, and it’s like I don’t even know that person. I’m currently re-watching the show, and I’m liking this season more than the first time around, including this episode. A- was the correct grade after all. Maybe it helps to have seen the whole

Your spelling is!