
Super strength. Cause I just wanna smash stuff.

omg that’s brilliant. You should tweet that at Bryan Fuller.

Whoa. That would’ve been wonderfully chilling.

Hi, I’m here from the future! I think you got one crucial thing wrong. Hannibal didn’t surrender for Will’s sake. Will specifically said he didn’t want to know where Hannibal was or what he was up to. Hannibal did this to torment Will, who will now always know where to find him. He also did it so he wouldn’t have

Insidious is one of the best horror movies of recent vintage. I found it quite a bit better than The Conjuring, which gets more praise.

Sean, you’re mischaracterizing your own sarcasm. Holden’s comment actually shows that he does know you’re being sarcastic. The sarcasm in your article is directed at the creators for claiming that viewers should have focused on the characters and the journey rather than the mysteries. The sarcasm implies that you

I’m pretty sure a B+ means “very good/falls short of greatness” to everyone, no matter what percentage point they equate it with.

It has nothing to do with how dark it is. It’s the fact that it’s not credible that those characters were at this suicidal point. Darabont clearly thought of a shocking ending and didn’t care that it wasn’t believable. To make things worse, he soundtracks the ending with Dead Can Dance, a pretentious choice for a

Yeah, I’m with you. Thank goodness Lynch/Frost aren’t so lame as to end the show in “our” world. If that’s what they had done, the name of the person answering the door would’ve been Mary Reber.

Wow. That was the most nothing thing I’ve ever seen posted on the AV Club.

I don’t think it would take him 4.5 years to co-write and direct another season. For this one, they had to figure out how to get back into it. Now it’s fresh in their minds. That being said, he might simply want to do non-Twin Peaks stuff for a while.

I think very few, if any, lingering questions will be addressed therein. Frost will respect Lynch’s “no answers” policy.

I agree, but only up to a point. I think this is genuinely a creation by two artists. Obviously Lynch owns more of it, because he directs it and has final cut, but Frost shouldn’t always be dismissed as a traditional storyteller. His novels are plenty offbeat. Lynch chose to work with him; Frost wasn’t imposed on him

Yeah, that was my issue with his theories. There’s some good bits in there, still.

I’ve been working my way through every film based on King’s writing (except sequels). So far I’ve seen 48 out of 59, including It. I’ve ranked them here:

I’m a huge fan of the first season and a half, but I can tell you: the soap opera shit all but disappears in The Return. There is a much higher density of weirdness there. Do watch the second season finale first, though. The movie would also be very helpful preparation.

His theory has some interesting elements, but I automatically distrust tv show theories that are this complicated. Too many leaps of faith. Also I find theorizing this extensive takes the joy out of a show.

You can also tell who those assholes are by their hatred of Skylar. They hate her because she stands in the man’s way.

Yeah, I’m kind of annoyed at all the folks talking about circular stories and hubris. I think Cooper is following his plan all the way to the end of part 18. As Toht says, he’s not trying to bring Laura “home”, he’s bringing her because she’s key in confronting “Judy”. And that’s what’s about to happen at the very end.

Laura’s life was different from those others’, because she contained the Golden Sphere of Goodness.