
Cooper was not himself for that whole segment - he was unsure of himself and acting strange.

The Odessa sign shows a population of just under a hundred thousand, which is accurate to present day.

Oh, I like this theory.

I think you are correct.

What occurs in part 18 certainly isn’t made to FEEL like something as inconsequential as a curtain call.

What I was hoping for was a happy medium. Even though I would’ve liked to find out what the deal was with Audrey, overall, I didn’t care that a lot of loose ends would remain. I didn’t want everything to be explained. Sure, give us a nightmare ending, but I’d like to have some clue as to what the nightmare is,

True, though I wonder if that was on purpose, or a mistake (they might have shot that scene before painting on the “RR2GO”).

I can relate to your last sentence, though in my case what I felt as I watched 18 was anxiety that it looked like it was going to be disappointing, followed by the dawning realization that it was indeed disappointing. Then, once it was over, some anger and feelings of alienation. I felt that way after the first time I

A few mistakes... The cars that drive by the gas station are on the correct side of the road. And the RR sign looks exactly the same as always.

You’re very, yrev lucky! Thanks for sharing that story.

I don’t think fade outs are lazy; they’re just boring. Didn’t like them in the eighties; don’t like em now. I can’t think of any song that is better with a fade out.

Wow, talk about making a documentary with no material. I got everything I needed to get out of this story from this brief article.

This site, for whatever reason, doesn’t assign A+ grades anymore.

You know about this, right:

You didn’t need to create a Kinja account; the discussion is even more lively here:

I appreciate your disappointment, but it was based on too-precise expectations. I had a very brief moment of sadness upon watching the first new episode, when I realized this wouldn’t be the same show it was in 1990-91. But then I realized that it made more sense for the show to have evolved, I accepted that this was

To expect everything to be wrapped up is unrealistic, and will lead to certain disappointment. The only thing that absolutely needs to be resolved is the Cooper story. Aside from that, it would be nice if we find out what’s up with Audrey, and with Sarah.

I think Mr C might have built the glass box with the intention of preventing Cooper from returning. It worked, but only briefly.

Ugh, I hate that. As James once so eloquently put it, “WHY??!”