
You have to go here for that list:

Awesome. I love how that thread has twice as many comments already!

The episode made it clear that he’s creating a double to be Janey-E’s husband.

Well, Mr C and Dougie co-existed for many years, so I don’t see why Cooper and a new Dougie couldn’t.

If, like me, you don’t have time for a lot of podcasts in your life, I suggest this website that discusses every episode insightfully. There’s also reviews of other Twin Peaks stuff. They haven’t gotten around to the new episodes yet, but I look forward to that:

Yes, Mr C is made up to be more tan and leathery. And I agree - right from the start, I never had that "Oh no, Cooper is doing evil things" feeling, because the two characters are so different.

This being a David Lynch joint, I don't forsee the confrontation being a boring old fist fight.

Narrative is never one of David Lynch's priorities, so if you want to enjoy the show, try not to approach it as much from a story standpoint. He's more into making you feel things in unusual, sometimes abstract ways. The only narrative that matters is the central one involving Cooper, his doppleganger, the FBI gang,

There have been a lot of instances of something not being followed up, so I don't think it's unintentional.

Yeah, I saw someone call it satire, which also rings false. It's similar, that's all.

Catherine Coulson was also brave.

Based on the last time we saw here, I would say Jacoby lovin'.

I think Jeffries meant it as a question, which Mr. C did not answer.

Where is it implied Becky might be dead?

How come The Return hasn't addressed this burning question???!

Actually, I've found that I enjoyed Wild At Heart more once I thought of it as a comedy.

That's weird, because that is the last movie of his I'd recommend to someone who's not a huge fan of his. It is at the same time hardcore Lynch and one of his less successful films.

Man Bites Dog is a movie for dumb rebellious teenagers. Its attempts to be avant-garde are hollow and sensationalistic, and there is no point to it.

I just hope it's better than "The Secret History of UFOs".

The CAPS discrepancy could simply depend on what chat app they use.