
It's because the second time, you know exactly what to expect.

I'm always surprised when someone refers to older comments as "someone down below". I guess not everyone reads comments from older to newer!

This is the kind of show you have to pay close attention to.

Folks held Lost to the same impossible standards.

I think it's neat that someone can have an opinion that's kind of the opposite of everyone else.

Advice: lower your expectations.

The word "strange" seems redundant considering it qualifies "backwards-talking armpit".

I agree with reflecto - I think Lynch feels James was unjustly maligned over the course of the original episodes - both by the audience, and by other writers and directors who took over the show.

Upvoted mainly for "Leo Johnson’s siren ponytail".

You can't really compare the original series with this. The reason the original series fell apart is not because the murder was solved; it's because Lynch/Frost became disengaged from the show afterwards. Here, they co-wrote the whole thing before any of it aired, and Lynch directed everything. There's every reason to

It just occurred to me that it's not impossible Richard could be Donna's son. I don't expect that to be the case, but it's fun to think about. It would still make Ben the grandfather, and his wife kind of a grandmother-in-law.

I agree with most of your complaints, but not the Stanton scene. His kindness in these new episodes has not failed to move me yet.

I don't get those complaints either, but I didn't like this episode for other reasons. Some of the scenes just didn't work for me.

David Lynch likes very dark images sometimes. And you're not alone; a friend of mine didn't even realize that Bob was featured in the eighth episode at first.

That's not accurate, though. Hawk, Lucy, Andy, Bobby, and Ben have all received a lot more airtime than those two. Jacoby and Jerry have only shown up for a few short scenes.

It's not a black screen. It's a very dark shot of trees.

It was, and yet it is poised to leave many threads dangling.

I wasn't exposed to any hype, and also felt this was the most disappointing episode to date. Too many discussions involving people we've never met. And I have no idea what Lynch was going for with the pantomiming French lady.

I have a strong suspicion that Lynch/Frost will gladly do more if Showtime offers it to them. I just think that they decided to act as though this was all we were getting, so as to not disappoint anyone (including themselves) if that is indeed the case.

The humour for me was the fact that we see MacLachlan for all of 25 seconds this episode, for one absurd scene!