
I love your reviews, Emily, but am utterly baffled that this - to me, the most disappointing episode so far - gets a B+ when last week's pretty great episode got a B.

Jack Nance didn't even recognize her.

They were colourful and interesting. They don't need to serve more of a purpose than that. Lynch isn't the Screewriting 101 type…

I think it will be when he finally runs into people from his pre-exile life.

"What is that symbol up at the top there, Hawk?
Oh that? Trust me. You don't want to ever know about that."

Upvoted for including Frost in the praise.

Some commenters have said they wished someone else was writing them, or dismissed them solely based on grades.

I only noticed one or two of what I assumed were errors in the book. I believe someone asked Frost about it, and he said, intriguingly, "All will be revealed." I have a feeling he means in his next book, though, not on the show.

I don't think we can tell either way from that clip, but it's more likely to be the real Cooper than not.

I pointed this out to a friend, and he brought up the possibility that it could also be Evil Coop who dressed up as Good Coop to pretend to be him.

I don't understand why several folks on here don't seem to appreciate how good and thoughtful these reviews are.

I can't recall - how was she retconned in the book?

I assumed it was a Mork from Ork thing where they drink using their fingers, except the Woodsmen drink lifeforce.

I disagreed with this particular grade, but if you look at the reviews themselves (which are far more important than the grade), they are quite insightful. I came in to these reviews expecting to hate them, and Emily has proven me wrong.

I seem to be the only one who really liked Annie. I wish she was part of the revival.

He didn't mean it literally. It's a map of stuff that's always there in the world. The part about it being always-changing is that the symbols mean something different depending on the circumstances.

EDIT: he fixed it without crediting me!

I prefer, "There's no backup for this."

Dual Spires?

Starshine is joking.