
Also worthy of mention: Stephen Gyllenhaal, who also really captured the Lynch mood in episode 27. Though that was after the mediocre stretch of episodes.…

THANK YOU. As I mentioned, I think her name made her a target for people's dissatisfaction with that stretch of episodes. Lots of the directors tried to imitate Lynch; she's one of the few whose imitation was not a shallow one. I think you'd like my review of it.

I wish people would stop pointing to "the Diane Keaton episode" as the nadir of Twin Peaks. I re-watched the series recently, and the truth is kind of the opposite. That episode is an oasis in the middle of the show's worst period. She's one of the only non-Lynch series directors who captured the show's tone. I

It was a fair length - I was just holding out hope it would be one of those extra-long ones, because it was so good!

I could tell from his first answer that this was going to be a great one. It's a good length Random Roles, but I couldn't help but be disappointed when it ended.

It wasn't. It was followed by her having a Bob vision. He killed her five episodes later.

Yeah, what others said - I think that's still the doppleganger (his eyes are still black). He isn't inhabited by Bob anymore is all.

I'm pretty sure the Black Lodge existed long before the nuclear testing (per the original series and Mark Frost's book). That may be what drew its denizens to our plane of existence, though.

I fully agree this is not the same show. But I accepted that early and have been enjoying it as you describe it - David Lynch's awesome new film project.
And I'm pretty sure Lynch/Frost aren't saying the nuclear tests created Bob or the Lodge; maybe just attracted their attention to this plane of existence.

If you liked this, you need to see Eraserhead. Also highly recommended: The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Drive.

I blame the script. He read it and figured the best way to do it was camp.

The frogbug might be Bob, inhabiting his first host.

Hey, look, everybody: it's someone who doesn't understand abstract art and must therefore react with bile as a defense mechanism to ward off feelings of inferiority!

It forgot to use the phrase "mediocre at best", which is very popular with those kind of people.

I wonder what looking glass people look like.

I don't think they were feeding on Bad Coop. I think they were removing Bob from the doppleganger.

I can't see who you're responding to, so I'm assuming it's the guy I blocked last week, Pool Guy or something.

I liked him fine when Lynch was handling him. It's when Lynch was away that his character became shitty. So if we see more of him, I think it'll be good stuff. This applies to any characters that became disliked in the second season. Nadine's dumb adventures as Super Nadine became tragic once Lynch returned, for

Great tv for sure.

They only scammed a guy who was deserving. Kim wouldn't feel comfortable knowing Jimmy robbed an elderly woman of her friends.