
I don't know if anyone will see this, but there's one thing I'm not clear on. Does Kim know the awful things Jimmy did to that elderly woman? Because she apparently knows what he did to fix it. And I'd be surprised she'd stick with him knowing what he'd done.

I love you.

Nope, actually, I just explicitly said you're allowed your opinion. You're the one who can't accept that others like the show. But I give up - the only reason you're commenting here is obviously because you enjoy conflict.


Correction: I was making fun of you, not whining. You're allowed not to enjoy the show. Just don't be a dick about it, saying fans need to "recognize" that it's not good.

Wake up, sheeple! Don't you realize you're not allowed to enjoy the show, because this random guy doesn't?! STOP ENJOYING IT THIS INSTANT!

It's obvious that this is what you think. Many others think otherwise. Such is life. Is it a different show? Yes, no question. Whether it's good or not is for every viewer to decide. You should stop watching; it's never going to turn into the show from 26 years ago.

They've been phasing in the old music gradually; we hear it more and more.

It has the cadence of a joke…

Many, many people are loving it, so obviously it's a great show to some people. But it's not for everyone. Cut your losses and move on to something else.

Thanks! That is indeed creative!

Do you have a link to this letter?

It would be really weird for him to mention her for no reason. Parents often go long periods without mentioning specific offspring.

*genuine spit-take*

They are new characters. There are also other new characters on the show.


I think Cooper's identity as a fighter for the forces of good is way too important to Lynch and Frost - we can see from the things Dougie reacts to that it's hard-wired in him, He's going back to being an FBI agent.