
Whew, at least it's not a shark jumping over the moon!

He wasn't really being a jerk; he was helpful. What I loved is that the scene ends with Mike calling that guy an asshole, a clear callback to the fact that Mike used to be one.

I feel like one of those Simpsons nerds right now, but… holy misspelling of Windom Earle's name!

Different fat guy. Racist.

It's weird, though - I'm currently watching it for the third time, and it seems the things that bothered me kind of melt away with each viewing. Also, the not having to wait a week for an episode lessens the disappointment in the sucky ones.

There's no reason to put off watching it. Sociological insights aside, it's ridiculously entertaining.

I've never watched them on dvd, partly because I'm afraid to. The first one is the scariest thing I've ever seen in a movie theatre.

You people are making me feel my age. I got to see Twin Peaks, Pulp Fiction, and Titanic when they first appeared, and it was pretty great. Especially Twin Peaks. Matt Gerardi: trust me, it was just as mind-blowing as you imagine. I was 18 at the time, and wondering what the fuck I was watching. There had never been

I've heard some of it, and it looks to be better than their disappointing last two albums.

It was more than one movie. The look was from "The Wild One", while the delivery and some of the dialogue was "The Godfather".

Just like your ass. </12-year-old>

Honestly, after she said that, I wasn't sure anymore.

Someone elsewhere on here was saying he was blaming everything he didn't like on Frost, and giving Lynch all the credit for the good and/or weird stuff. Which is so stupid I didn't have a response for it.

Where did you hear the errors in the book were intentional? I did notice errors, like saying that Norma’s mother died in 1984, but I can't imagine why they would do that on purpose.

I think he was hilarious.

I think what was supposed to happen was that DoppleDale was supposed to return to the Black Lodge and Cooper return to our world. He didn't want that, so he created a double to go to the BL in his place, and had killers standing by to kill the real Cooper when he emerged. But they missed him.

Folks don't mention Frost nearly enough.

That might be a side effect of them planning to have Bowie on the show while they wrote it, and then having to rewrite it when he died.

In case you don't already know, the middle chunk of the second season is pretty sucky. So, be ready for that. Also, it's fun to read reviews of each episode as you watch:

Yeah, I was pointing out the mistake, but it's true that it was confusing imagery.