
Indeed, he was involved in UFOs, but UFOs never figure into Twin Peaks, in the same way that Annie's nunnery doesn't figure into Twin Peaks.

Two factual errors, O'Neal: Maddy is alive when Leland dances with her, and there is no alien mumbo-jumbo. The signals Major Briggs reports to Cooper come from the woods, not space, and when Briggs seems to be getting abducted, it's the Black Lodge he visits, not alien worlds.

Just once. It was Independence Day. Its contempt for its audience made me so angry I became nauseated.

I don't think revealing the killer is what killed it creatively. It was Lynch's (and also Frost's) lack of involvement after that episode.

You had me at "CGI tapeworm".*

He's said in an interview that he misses his old life.

I hope it's a lot better than Secret History…

It's not very smart to let other people decide what you watch.

Well, Lynch and Frost's involvement with the show was minimal during its worst period. That's in large part what's to blame for the low quality. They created ALL of the new episodes, so I'm optimistic.

I've been writing reviews of all the episodes, and I find that's my most common criticism for the middle of season 2, along with lack of atmosphere.

Ugh, the second season's attempts at humour are the WORST.

I'd argue that Keaton did a bang-up job of aping Lynch. It's easily my favourite episode of the show's "bad period". I argue for it here:…

I've been reviewing every episode on my website (, and I agree that most of the mediocre episodes contain something salvagable. The Diane Keaton-directed episode is a surprising high point.

As others have mentioned, the last half-dozen or so are better, and the finale is directed by Lynch. You're almost through the worst of it. I've been posting reviews of every episode here, if you have a mind to check it out:

That worked really well for revealing so little, in large part thanks to the soundtrack. I take the emphasis on mood as a good sign.

I never detected any sorrow on Lecter's face. Clarice is one of the only people he finds interesting, and she just completely opened herself up to him. When he thanks her, it's because he is satiated.

You don't seem to understand the concept of film reviews.

oh fuck it it makes no difference I'm not even gonna finish

I want to vomit.