
A no-budget movie no one's ever heard of called Johnny Shortwave. As for movies people have actually heard of, the worst was Independence Day. It was so insultingly bad it caused me to boycott Roland Emmerich.

I read everything King writes, and The Shining is actually my favourite of his books. I don't give a shit if a movie is faithful; it just has to be a good movie. And I think the movie of The Shining is significantly flawed. It definitely has creepy moments, but Nicholson's performance is a joke, which prevents him

Pizza Hut has a horrible reputation, and while travelling through the US two years ago, I discovered why: it's not very good. But for some reason, it's made very differently in Canada, and here it's delicious.

I think The Fan is a good movie.

I think even people who say the continuity isn't perfect would say the book is worth reading. I found it delightful.

The Dale Cooper book is pretty great. Much better than Secret History.

The only error I noticed in Secret History was that it said Norma's mom died in 1984. I had other problems with the book, though. I wrote a review here:…

I'm cautiously optimistic. Lynch and Frost apparently had complete creative control. And I'm not worried at all about Lynch being able to startle and provoke; I have faith in him as an artist. I've been re-watching the show and reviewing each episode here:…

I'm currently re-watching, and what was missing a lot of the time in non-Lynch episodes was atmosphere. Though some of the scripts weren't very good either. I'm reviewing every episode for a website I created:…

I enjoyed this program. Good job, Teti and other folks involved.

Don't get too excited for their last two; they don't live up to the hype. Collapse Into Now is their second-worst album after Around the Sun.

Gwen, giving up on R.E.M. based on their best album kind of disqualifies you to express any musical opinions. Sorry.

I thought what she came up with was witty in its own way.

More like worth a library loan. The book is beautiful physically, but the title should really be A Secret History of UFOs. I wrote a review of it on my Twin Peaks website:…

Well I don't think that's the conclusion you should reach from my list. The list of movies I like/love is MUCH longer than that one. I think it makes sense that there is something to dislike in every genre.

Ah ok, I don't remember any of that. I'm rewatching the show, so I guess I'll get to hear it for myself.

Did Blackie really pose as Christian, though? Jack asked him point blank, and Blackie said he didn't. I don't see why he would've lied.

Binoche gets a great intro in Damage as well, where it's Jeremy Irons who's mesmerized the first time he lays eyes on her. I'm gay, but she mesmerized me too.…

Thanks! Hope you like it!

I would like to hijack your stellar firstie (yes, I'm totally sucking up to soften the blow of the hijacking) by mentioning that if anyone is interested in a second series of episode reviews (the first being the ones here on the av club, of course), I'm in the process of reviewing all the episodes (and other things