
It's flawed, but it contains some great Lynchian moments, and is definitely worth a watch. Some people love it; you might be one of them.

No question. It sickens me way too much for me to feel like gloating.

Harper hasn't been our prime minister for over a year now. I think Justin Trudeau blows Trump out of the water too.

Ridiculous, but predictable

I've been putting a lot of work into a Twin Peaks website that reviews all things Twin Peaks. It's a work in progress, but I've got seven episodes reviewed (and a few other things) so far. I'll have it all done by the time the new episodes come out. I hope you enjoy it:

Speaking of desperate, I hope it's not too gauche of me to pimp my website here:
Featuring reviews of all things Twin Peaks. It's a work in progress. I've reviewed the blu-ray set, two books, and seven episodes so far. It's a lot of work! Anyway, I am regularly adding reviews, and will be

Ha ha, sorry I missed that! I haven't seen these episodes since they aired, so I forgot that moment.

I didn't think the Fincher episode was awful, but it's my least favourite episode of that season. That's all I meant.

Funny you should say that; D'Angelo HATES Clue!
I don't think he's reviewed it, but you'll see the grade he gave it out of a 100 at the bottom of this list:…

wtf is starz lol

Whew! No one proofread this review, that's for sure!

No one mentions the shot of animal boy crashing through the window that's an obvious homage to the climax of Manhunter??

I'll be posting reviews of each episode on my website, if anyone's interested (as well as reviews of other Twin Peaks things). It's a little bare now (though I did post a comprehensive rundown/review of the Blu Ray set), but I'll gradually be adding content in the coming weeks.

I feel vindicated that Fuller agrees with me that Roti is the weakest episode.
He seems to be approaching this show in the best possible way.

Right now, it's Trump supporters I'm more worried about. There are reports of them doing stuff like this all over the US after he won.

I first saw it as a young teenager on VHS. It was so intense I wasn't able to finish it.

That's weird. He was very into Bernie Sanders not long ago.

I'm a completist, but I rarely listen to the last three. Up is one of their very best albums, though.


I'll tune in when we get Sicario on valium.